I DON’T TRUST PEOPLE IN GOVT, SAYS MAN CLAIMING TO BE PS’s SON … If people in Govt there are even entertaining this man, then they are just as bad as him

By Merlyn Mwanza

The USA citizen Jason Makhela, who claims to be Defence permanent secretary Norman Chipakupaku’s son, says he will not seek any court action in Zambia to try to reconnection with his purported father, but will use USA government and other international agencies to get to the bottom of the matter, saying he does not trust people in Zambia’s government.

And Jason has charged that Chipakupaku is “a coward, who goes round trying to make everyone think he is a good man while trying to avoid his son at the same time.”

Jason also said, the people in the Zambian government are bad that they are quiet about such an issue bordering on morals and ethics, instead of sitting Chipakupaku down “as a person who is first supposed to uphold family values before going out to serve the public”, wondering what other recourse people who were in a similar situation as him had, when government could not even rein in on one of their own senior government officials.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Jason said he had been receiving threatening messages ever since he started raising matters in the media about trying to connect with his purported father.

Jason sent one screen shot from the Nimwa Yesu EP out now Twitter account, which has 769 followers showing a threatening message against him.

“Son if someone doesn’t want you in life, it’s important to leave them in peace. If you Force him too much, he might bring you to close and kill you…start up your own life, stop panicking,” the message from the Nimwa Yesu EP out now read, but in response, Jason stated: “My dad Norman never attended my late mother’s funeral even though I told him about it. I heard he even adopted his nephews the same year my mom passed away. He blocked me.”

He said others have called him too asking him to forget about the matter and focus his efforts on other issues, saying however, that they did not understand the pain he has had to endure over the years.

“I personally think my dad is a coward because he goes around trying to make everyone think he’s good and trying to avoid his son. I don’t idolize people. To me he’s just another human being who is a coward, and he doesn’t fit that position,” Jason said. “The people in the government there I don’t trust them. I will do it my own way…I will involve the government here…if they (people in Zambian government) are really good people and are protecting this man then they are just as bad as the man.”

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