By Daily Revelation Reporter

Former Defence minister Davies Chama says some PF members are venting their anger on the other party members because they are still hurting from the 2021 election loss.

And Chama said he does not understand what is going on in his fellow central committee member, Paul Moonga’s mind, to assert that Given Lubinda must stop masquerading as PF president, as he has not even seen the letter where he was appointed as acting president.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Chama said it was unfortunate for Moonga to have made the remarks about Lubinda, because they both have been in meetings which Lubinda chaired as acting president.

“And at no time did he question the position of Mr Lubinda acting as president, even chairing the central committee. So I don’t now with the latest statement where it is emanating from. I am actually surprised if at all he said what he said,” Chama said. “It’s unfortunate. Very very unfortunate. I don’t know what is going on in his mind. I can’t really try to deduce, or try to think of why he made a statement that he made. It’s a very very unfortunate statement.”

Chama said Lubinda did not make the decisions Moonga was attacking him on as the decisions were made by the central committee of the party.

Chama said despite this and the others arguments involving several other members, he was confident that they would rebrand as they have been through these things before and “we know how to manage these kind of things.”

“For us, some of us we are not even worried. We know ourselves, we know where we are coming from, we have a history and we shall overcome all this. It’s just a phase. It’s just a period,” Chama said. “You know maybe it’s because people are hurting from the 12th of August elections, so they are trying to vent their frustrations maybe on other innocent members of the party. But it will come to pass, people shall heal. Other people have not healed from the defeat of the 12 of August last year.”

He said for others the period of recovery takes longer, claiming that in his case it only took two days for him to recover following the election loss to the UPND.

“Some may leave us and some have been leaving us and a good number of them are coming back after realizing that they are not even welcome where they wanted to go. I am constrained to mention names at the moment,” claimed Chama.

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