I AND LUNGU DISCUSSED A LOT … what you hear is superficial – HH

By Merlyn Mwanza

President Hakainde Hichilema says he and former president Edgar Lungu discussed a lot when former late fourth Republican president Rupiah Banda sat the two of them, saying what people have been hearing was only on the surface and superficial.

And former Tanzania president Jakaya Kikwete has revealed details of the diplomatic efforts he, president Banda and the former Sierra Leone president Ernest Koroma played in bringing President Hichilema and president Lungu together.

During the state funeral at the Lusaka Showgrounds today, President Hichilema talked about the role president Banda, together with president Kikwete and played in addressing the tension that engulfed the nation as the results were flowing in showing a UPND victory, with some in PF giving indications that they were going to contest the results, even going as far as urging the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to stop announcing the results.

President Hichilema said president Banda intervened by sitting the two of them down, saying they “discussed a lot” and “what you have been hearing is only on the surface…it’s superficial.”

He said because of what president Banda did, the two were today able to mourn him together in one location and not in different locations.

President Hichilema said there could not be any better way way of celebrating president Banda’s life than embracing his love for peace, unity and patriotism, saying it was very difficult to thrive in public service for over 60 years but president Banda did just that, as that meant that he had something to offer to people.

He said in the aftermath of the 2021 general elections, president Banda took a leading role in urging the contenders to put national interests above anything else and not to allow the country to degenerate into violence.

And president Kikwete, who was heading the Commonwealth observer mission to Zambia during the 2021 general elections, disclosed the background moves which were orchestrated by himself, president Banda and president Koroma, following intimation of tension in the country.

He revealed that president Banda was due for medical treatment outside the country during that period, but had to postpone and risk his own health as he felt his presence would be required during the election period.

President Kikwete said the two then agreed to get going and established contact with President Hichilema then as opposition leader and the incumbent president Lungu, saying the initial contact to bring the two together did not work, but they did not give up. He said he then engaged into shuttle diplomacy through WhatsApp with the two contenders until an agreement was made to meet at president Banda’s residence, and that from there peace was established, which resulted in the famous handshakes between president Lungu and President Hichilema.

Namibian President Hage Geingob said president Banda carried the illustrious distinction of having served as both president of Namibia and Zambia, as he headed the Council for Namibia which was being handled under the auspices of the United Nations.

Zimbabwean President Emerson Mnangagwa started his speech by highlighting that president Banda was born and raised in Zimbabwe and became president of Zambia in the same manner he was raised in Zambia and became president of Zimbabwe.

He said they both served together in the UNIP youth league under Dingiswayo Banda, saying he learnt that president Banda was a humble person but his sophistication was imbedded in his simplicity.

Former Malawian president Bakili Muluzi said president Banda set an example for the rest of Africa by conceding defeat in the 2011 general elections, in a continent known for disputing election results.

Former Botswana president Ian Khama hailed president Banda’s warmness even when his successor president Michael Sata placed “false charges” upon him, saying the same was happening to him in Botswana.

He also reserved some words for president Hichilema whom he said he met recently when he visited the late president Banda, saying he was the right man for the moment.

President Khama said in the same manner he was beset with the global recession when he was coming to power in Botswana in 2008 and forced him to change some of his priorities, he believed president Hichilema was facing the same following the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine but he believed president Hichilema was up to the task as he was impressed with his vision for Zambia the last time the two met.

And president Banda’s son Henry, who was overtaken with emotion, said the late former president was more than a father to him but a hero.

“He is the one who showed me how this game called life is played,” Henry said, and that the father taught him that success comes through hard work.

Henry said the relationship between President Hichilema and president Banda did not start recently, as the current president was a regular visitor at the late former president’s residence since 2011, saying president Banda had great admiration for the President.

He also praised president Lungu, who as president jumped on his vehicle the very moment he heard that president Banda was sick.

Henry said only recently the two leaders met and talked about the benefits of aquaculture.

Former Mozambican president Joaquin Chissano said he knew former president Banda while serving as a youth under the UNIP rule, and was the one who was discussing with the Portuguese colonisers in that country despite supporting the liberation struggles for black self rule. He said the Africans in Mozambique understood that as Zambia was also in need of the passage through that country to the ports.

He also said that president Banda was also admitted into the association of former heads of state and government following initial disapproval from the country’s late founding father Dr Kenneth Kaunda.

Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) chairperson Bishop Paul Mususu said president Banda was the one who introduced standardized prices of fuel across the country.

He said there was a reason God preserved president Banda behind the time he was given by doctors, saying God was probably preserving him to play the role he did last year

He said he was glad that his clergy friend of his visited president Banda and led him to the Lord, saying man can achieve almost everything but that would still amount to nothing without God in their lives.

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  • ThomaniMab , March 18, 2022 @ 11:58 am

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