Let Hakainde heed Catholic Church’s urge

By Daily Revelation Editor

The Catholic Church, through the Caritas (Integral Human Development) Commission has raised critical governance, democracy and human rights concerns. In a statement signed by the Archbishop of the Metropolitan diocese of Lusaka, Alick Banda, who is also Caritas (Integral Human Development) Commission Chairperson, the Catholic Church bemoaned the current state of affairs in our nation, which is rapidly getting desperate for many citizens. 

Among the pertinent concerns highlighted by the commission in its theological reflection on the state of the nation include, the high cost of living, electricity loadshedding, unstable fuel prices, eroding of national values, shrinking democratic space, police brutality, tribalism and regionalism, and legal lawlessness among others. 

This is not surprising. It is common knowledge today that the citizens of this country have been degraded through indescribable hardship and desolation without any definitive practical interventions by Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND government. 

Difficulties and failures like high cost of living, starvation, unstable fuel and exchange rate, skyrocketing staple food prices, tribalism and corruption as acceptably observed by the Catholics have become the trademark of Hakainde’s government. 

We are operating in a very autocratic space, where rights, freedoms and liberties of citizens especially Hakainde’s critics and political opponents are being trampled upon with impunity by the UPND officials and cadres. 

The democratic and civic space has shrunk so rapidly as the ruling elite chokes the rule of law and Constitutional order by sidestepping the law, systems and procedures, and abusing state institutions. For instance, as correctly detected by the Catholics: “The recent case of expulsion of the nine (9) PF Members of Parliament from the National Assembly by the Second Deputy Speaker, Hon Moses Moyo, MP., is a clear evidence of legal lawlessness.” 

The alleged abduction, torture and incarceration of Petauke Central Independent Member of Parliament Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda, and the ensuing twists and turns purportedly implicating two State House officials in Jay Jay’s abduction is another evidence of legal lawlessness and police brutality.  What is clear is the UPND has set this country on a dangerous path of vindictiveness and destruction. 

It is very easy to grasp that the UPND are determined to convert into a dominant governing party by chocking the democratic and civic space by means of brutalising critics, abusing the police and other law enforcement agencies, and incapacitating the rule of law and Constitutional order among other extremely oppressive vices. 

They are frantically working to completely destabilise and cripple political opponents ahead of the 2026 tripartite elections. But they will not manage to install this kind of democracy no matter how hard they try to give citizens the illusion that they are responsible and committed to democracy and good governance. 

Let Hakainde’s declarations tie with what is being practiced. Otherwise, the credibility gap between this government and the citizens will continue widening, resulting into serious mistrust and contempt for the government. We implore Hakainde and the UPND to pay attention and consider carefully the sincere concerns raised by the Catholics.     

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