Thugs using pepper spray on electoral officials

By Daily Revelation Editor

The Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes -SACCORD has condemned acts of political violence which characterised the local government by-elections in Chirundu and Sikongo districts, saying political violence must not be entertained because it was a primitive way of doing politics.

SACCORD further urged the government to publicly condemn any form of violence and instruct their supporters to abide by the electoral code of conduct.

ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Brown Kasaro stated that during the recent by-elections at Machavika Polling Station, suspected political cadres used pepper spray at the election officials at the Polling Station thereby disrupting the result announcement process. 

He said cadres went away with two envelopes containing marked ballot papers, fortunately, the Presiding Officer had the completed results compilation forms which were later used to complete the process. 

At Chilindi Primary School Polling Station which was also the totaling centre, suspected political cadres disrupted the compilation of poll results by going away with a Record of Proceedings at the Count.

“Fortunately, the Commission had a copy of the form,” Kasaro said.

Kasaro said in Sikongo District, at Liumena Polling Station, some party officials and cadres stormed the Polling Station without accreditation, and that the officials and cadres insulted, harassed not only the election but the police officers on duty.

Chief government spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa described the violence in Chirundu as a ‘flare-up’ which was caused by supporters of the independent candidate who ended up scooping the seat, claiming that his supporters feared that the presence of police officers with UPND officials indicated that the ruling party was going to rig the elections.

It is worrying that violence is dominating political talk again following the elections especially that the UPND has repeatedly boasted that they had ended the vice in the elections which have been held in the country since they assumed office.

Especially worrying, is the sad spectacle where the cadres even went to the extent of grabbing ballot papers from the presiding officers and using pepper spray against the election officials.

Given the gravity of the offences committed, we expected that police would by now be briefing the nation that investigations had been launched into the matter and so and so people had been arrested in connection with the criminality committed. But nothing of that sort has been heard, which is extremely worrying especially that their own officers were victims of savagery from the political thugs.

For the political parties involved, it will actually not do to shield their cadres, as the very attempt indicates that they are either actively or tacitly sponsoring the thuggery from their supporters. This is not a matter that should be taken lightly actually. It is a vice that deserves to be nipped in the bud, especially in view of the general elections the nation will be having in just two years-time.

We hope the political parties will come up with concrete steps on how they will go about handling their cadres’ violence starting with the meeting they will be having with the ECZ. And we expect the commission especially to have more teeth when dealing with political violence. There is actually no harm in banning political parties who are in the habit of perpetuating violence from the elections. Of course we know this will be a toll order and almost undoable by ECZ, especially if the culprit was the ruling party. But something definitely needs to be done.

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