Czech Opera singer Kotková returns to Lusaka for spectacular performance

By Beatrice Chabaya

Lusaka is set to be serenaded by Czech professional opera singer Ms. Zdeňka Kotková (Zdenie Kotek), who is returning to Zambia for the third time to grace the country with her extraordinary talent.

Accompanied by the talented pianist Ms. Guncha Hojanepesova, Kotková will enchant audiences with timeless opera compositions by Dvořák, Mozart, Bellini, and more.

This year’s visit is particularly special as it coincides with the Czech Embassy in Lusaka’s celebration of 2024 – The Year of Czech Music, marking the centenary of the birth of Bedřich Smetana, one of the most prominent Czech composers.

The event will take place on 20th July 2024 at 18:30 hrs at the Zambian-Italian Cultural Centre in  Lusaka, and on 28th July 2024 at 14:30 hrs at St John’s College, Harare. 

The concert is open and free for all interested, and on a first-come, first-served basis. 

The Czech Embassy in Lusaka says the celebration of classical music will appeal especially to culture lovers as it is a unique opportunity to experience the rich heritage of Czech musical artistry.

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