NAPSA closes Society Business Park due to structural defects

By Jane Chanda 

National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA) chairperson Shipango Muteto says the board has been left with no choice but to close the Society Business Park with immediate effect due to structural integrity concerns.

And following the closure of Society Business Park, some businesses have already informed customers of the intended closures among them Pick n Pay Zambia. 

“We regret to announce closure of our Society Business Park Store due to safety concerns. The wellbeing of our staff and shoppers is our top priority, and we thank you for your understanding in this matter. The nearest alternative Pick n Pay store is Levy Mall,” read the notice posted on their Facebook page.

Speaking at a media briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Muteto said a comprehensive assessment of the building’s structural integrity revealed that certain parts of the building were not sound and posed safety risks. 

“The decision to close the entire business park also arises from the fact that the parkade and the office block, which are not safe for continued occupancy, are directly linked to the hotel and the retail mall through common facilities,” Muteto said. 

He added that the closure affected the entire business park, including the hotel and mall, as services to these facilities would  be severely affected, making them inoperable.

Muteto regretted the unfortunate development and assured that NAPSA would do everything possible to mitigate its impact on tenants and staff. 

He announced measures to support tenants, including refunding security deposits and advance rentals, and assisting them in finding alternative locations.

“Extra security measures have been implemented to protect the premises from unauthorised activities. The authority is also calculating the total financial losses resulting from the closure,” he said.

“The board deeply regrets this unfortunate development and will do everything possible to lessen the negative impact of this development, especially on the tenants and the staff working at the business park,” Muteto said. 

He emphasised that the safety of occupants was the top priority, and the closure was a precautionary measure to protect human life.

Muteto also disclosed that all current tenants had been notified and given 10 days to vacate the premises. 

“We will refund all security deposits and advance rentals, and assist tenants in finding alternative locations,” he said, adding that NAPSA was committed to supporting those affected by the closure.

The NAPSA Chairperson further said the authority was taking serious and decisive action against anyone found in contractual, legal, or any violation that had led to the current state of affairs.

Muteto also announced that the authority had set up an advisory team to explore development options and the way forward with the business park. 

“As we explore development options and the way forward with the business park, the public will be informed,” said Muteto, assuring transparency in the process. “We have taken a very painful, costly but necessary decision to close the Society Business Park with immediate effect and until further notice.”

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