By Isaac Zulu

Private Sector Development Association chairperson Yusuf Dodia says the increase in electricity tariffs for commercial and industrial entities will increase the cost of production and subsequently affect the selected domestic consumer whose tariffs have been adjusted downwards.

In an interview, Dodia observed that the non increase in ZESCO electricity tariffs for individuals consuming 100 and below units while there is an increase in the same tariffs among commercial and industrial entities; would still have some spiral effects on the end users.

“I think we are not looking at these issues in a consolidated manner. In my view we should be looking at these pertinent issues from a consolidated point. In as much as they are going to reduce the tariffs for people in the compounds and low cost living areas, which I think is fine; I still strongly feel that the increase of ZESCO electricity tariffs for those in commerce and industry will result in an increase in the high cost of production. Who are you protecting? You might appear to be protecting the vulnerable in communities, but they are the most affected,” said Dodia. “And in my own opinion, I think that this will also adversely affect the end users. I say so because when there is high cost of production, manufacturers and producers will increase the prices of their products and services. Ultimately these ZESCO electricity tariffs will result in the high cost essential commodities and high of living among.”

And Dodia has said that energy is a catalyst for economic development, adding that the UPND administration should reconsider the application of ZESCO electricity tariffs.

“I think that we seriously need to think about the need to start looking at energy. In my view energy is catalyst of production and economical development; and should be treated as such. And the moment we start to look at energy as a commercial product, then we are losing it,” said Dodia.

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