Suspension of Chama and 3 PF MPs

By Daily Revelation Editor

The Patriotic Front Central Committee has suspended party chairman Davies Chama, Miles Sampa, Robert Chabinga and Davison Mung’andu.

In a statement issued by the party’s chairperson for information and publicity, Emmanuel Mwamba, the central committee resolved that senior members of the party facing disciplinary charges be suspended from the party with immediate effect, and that to this effect acting party president Given Lubinda invoked Article 61 (i) and suspended Chama, Sampa, Mung’andu and Chabinga.

The PF central committee also gave a 30 days deadline to the Disciplinary Committee to hear these matters and bring its recommendations to the Central Committee for the final determination.

Those who have been suspended have indicated that they are unaware of why they have been suspended, with Chama saying his calls to hold the convention have landed him in problems. Sampa’s problems are also to do with matters bordering on the inertia to hold the convention. Mung’andu and Chabinga have also been vocal proponents for holding of the convention.

The other matter uniting the four is that they have also been vocal proponents for the party to have a new leader against the moves by the others to try to hold the presidency ‘vacant’ so that former president Edgar Lungu can come back in and occupy it.

We see nothing wrong with any member of the PF pushing for the holding of the convention or speaking against a Lungu comeback, nor is there a problem with those who feel he must come back in and preside over the affairs of the PF again.

However, what everybody should question is why a party that has been discussing the holding of the convention and has even made people to pay exorbitant amounts, which some felt would be a deterrent to some unwanted candidates, has failed to hold that convention. Remember there is heavy talk bordering on allegations that the K1.8 million received from the presidential candidates has been misappropriated.

The PF having been involved in all manner of vices during the time they were in power, should have known that it takes two to tangle. They should have read the clear signs the moment Miles Sampa took the matter to court. That should have caused them to awaken and stop the deliberate inertia they have exhibited from the time they lost office and Lungu indicated that he was retiring, that is if he indeed meant that.

And they should have been more alert especially when Registrar of Societies Thandiwe Mhende intervened through some ‘powerful invisible hand’ ordering political parties to hold conventions within 60 days that there was a wider game of chess being played around here, and if that if they were not careful they were going to find themselves in the cold, in mwamoneni. Yesterday, there was a general conference from the PF faction led by Miles Sampa at Mulungushi Conference Centre, with a heavy police presence guarding the premises. Such a powerful man Sampa is, that police officers who are at a premium to secure opposition political rallies were gathered in one place to secure the premises of Mulungushi Conference Centre. It is not exactly clear what role that convention is playing in this wider game of chess.

Therefore, clever individuals who have been in government and are educated in the dark arts of how to disadvantage opposition political parties should have been smart enough when they met last Sunday, that rather than wasting time even deliberating on suspending the four senior members, there was an urgent matter to attend to, that of undoing the game of chess Thandiwe and her masters were playing. That they needed to go for the convention like yesterday and elect a substantive leader. Simple and straightforward.

However, since they seem too fascinated with meting punishment on the opposing voices against the Lungu come back, they now have an added task of not just having to confront Thandiwe and her masters but the other faction that has gone ahead to hold the convention, laughable as that may seem. They may think it is a small thing, but they have to realize that they are not in charge of the instruments of power. There is a saying that akosulile ekopa noko, the same thing you despise or consider insignificant is what may actually be used as a whip to beat you with.

It seems politicians are just like that incorrigible child who doesn’t learn no matter how much they are scolded. The party that was a master of all the dark arts is being outdone in the same dark arts it mastered, and with each step drawing itself into the wider chess Thandiwe and her masters are playing.

They only have themselves to blame for giving Thandiwe and her masters the ammunition and aiding them in this wider war that has been unleashed on them.

Oh! Lest we forget, as for the 30 days deadline given to the PF disciplinary committee to hear these matters and bring its recommendations to the central committee for final determination, we can safely predict that that is just a 30 day delay in terms of announcing the inevitable. Anyone who has lived in Zambia knows how the PF and other political parties are run. Therefore, anyone expecting a different result from the disciplinary committee in terms of going against the decision of the central committee is simply living in fallacy. The only results expected from that disciplinary committee will be to either maintain the status quo or recommend further harsher punishments or even expulsion from the party. Speaking against the leader of the political party like the four have been doing is synonymous to treason in Zambian political parties.

Watch the space!

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