By Staff Reporter 

NGOCC Board chairperson Mary Mulenga has issued a mild reaction, seemingly leveling Tamara Ngozi’s words in her ALungu song, with Paul Moonga’s reaction that she sung that song because of prolonged periods.

And immediate past ruling PF deputy secretary general Mumbi Phiri, who is also the deputy campaign chairperson for Lusaka Province, simply said that she had no comment to make over the matter.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Mulenga said it was wrong for Moonga to respond to what he felt was a wrong, with another wrong. She said she was issuing that statement as a generic response in her individual capacity.

“It does not matter who is saying what. If derogatory remarks are coming from both genders, male or female it is unacceptable. Any derogatory remarks, it is just like gender based violence. Gender based violence if it is being perpetrated by a man or a women it is wrong. So if Moonga feels that in her song she was issuing derogatory remarks it is wrong,” Mulenga said. “If Paul Moonga then also responds using derogatory remarks it is equally wrong, because they say that two wrongs do not make a right. So I think that we ought to be very sensitive in the way we want to communicate messages to the general public because we want people to hear us and to learn from what we are saying. 

“And if we are going to say things that are not going to build us, things that are not going to enhance peace, then it is wrong irrespective of which gender is saying those things. That is my response”

Reacting to the song titled A Lungu, a remake of the late Paul Ngozi’s ALungu song, with new words raising issues of Lungu’s character and leadership, Moonga unleashed on Tamara.

“…may be she has prolonged periods. She has a problem. When women are sick with prolonged periods they can say anything. Mentally she is not stable she is handicapped. So let her just enjoy whatever she is enjoying,” Moonga said in his comments made exclusively to Daily Revelation . “Wamene Tamara umu uze uyo if you have prolonged periods go and see a doctor, leave Mr Lungu alone he has no time for such stupid characters like that.”

Moonga said as opposed to the issues Tamara was raising, President Lungu has brought massive development into the country, including the three international airports in Lusaka, Ndola and Livingstone. He also mentioned the massive upgrades to hospitals like the Levy Mwanasa, plus universities, roads and schools constructed across the country.

“So it’s such characters who are sick. And when a woman has prolonged periods she becomes so unstable. She needs a psychiatrist. Uilembe So chabe the way it is,” Moonga said, calling in a minute later after the first call had ended and unloading more: “I think she is suffering from fibros let her go to Levy Mwanawasa Hospital, because sometimes fibros cause prolonged periods.”

“But you are insulting women?” the author asked him.

But Moonga said he was talking about this specific women, in the same manner he was talking about opposition UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema when talking about his Tonga tribesmen.

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