Africa will free itself from bitter colonial legacy, and take its worthy place on global stage – Putin

Africa will “finally free itself from the bitter legacy of colonialism and neo-colonialism” and take its “worthy place” on the world stage, says Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In a piece penned by President Putin for major African media outlets and shared by the Kremlin early Monday morning, the Russia leader stated that his country has always supported African countries in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression.

He stated that Russia welcomes the rising international authority of individual African states, as well as the continent as a whole, and their desire to make their voices heard, President Vladimir Putin said in an article released ahead of the second Russia-Africa Summit and Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum in St. Petersburg.

The Russian president said Moscow’s partnership with Africa has “strong, deep roots and have always been distinguished by stability, trust and goodwill.”

“We have consistently supported African peoples in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression. We have provided assistance in developing statehood, strengthening their sovereignty and defense capability,” he wrote.

Moscow, according to Putin, has always adhered to the principle of “African solutions to African problems” and respected the “sovereignty of African states, their traditions and values, their desire to independently determine their own destiny and freely build relationships with partners.” 

“We have never tried to impose on partners our own ideas about the internal structure, forms and methods of management, development goals and ways to achieve them,” Putin said. 

The Russian president said Moscow’s partnership with Africa has “strong, deep roots and have always been distinguished by stability, trust and goodwill.”

“We have consistently supported African peoples in their struggle for liberation from colonial oppression. We have provided assistance in developing statehood, strengthening their sovereignty and defense capability,” he wrote.

Moscow, according to Putin, has always adhered to the principle of “African solutions to African problems” and respected the “sovereignty of African states, their traditions and values, their desire to independently determine their own destiny and freely build relationships with partners.” 

“We have never tried to impose on partners our own ideas about the internal structure, forms and methods of management, development goals and ways to achieve them,” Putin said. 

The Russian leader added that he believes Africa will “finally free itself from the bitter legacy of colonialism and neo-colonialism” and take its “worthy place” on the world stage. He promised to support the desire of African partners to “make their voices strongly heard and to take the continent’s problems into their own hands.”

“We are brought together by a common desire to shape a system of relations based on the priority of international law, respect for national interests, indivisibility of security, and recognition of the central coordinating role of the United Nations,” Putin wrote.

Credit story: RT

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