Cable thief gets just reward … nursing serious burns in hospital after getting electrocuted

By Chinoyi Chipulu

A 23-YEAR-OLD man of Chingola’s Chiwempala area is nursing serious burns in hospital after being  electrocuted while attempting to cut an electrical cable that supplies power to Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) tailing leach plant.

The incident occurred on Tuesday June 18, l2024 at around 11:00hrs at KCM Nchanga Mine.

Copperbelt Province police commanding officer Peacewel Mweemba who confirmed the incident, identified the suspect as Edwin Chinchi.

Mweemba explained that  an 11KV electrical power cable which supplied power to Tailing leach plant solvent was vandalised which resulted in disruption of power supply to the plant.

“Brief facts of the matter are that on  June 18, 2024 at 07:00 hours, tailing leach plant solvent extraction area experienced power failure which prompted the officer on  duty to mobilize electricians and they discovered that an 11KV electrical power cable which supplies power to the plant solvent extraction area was tempered with causing power failure to the plant. 

Anti-copper theft team were informed and investigations were instituted into the matter which  led to the discovery of the suspect,” he said.

Mweemba disclosed that the suspect was abandoned by his friends after he sustained severe burns on his chest, hands and face due to electrical shock as he was trying to cut the cable using  hack saw. 

“Chinchi  was unable to talk due to his condition and was rushed to Nchanga North General Hospital at the intensive care unit,” said Mweemba.

He said the suspect has since re-gained consciousness and was currently under police guard.

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