By Merlyn Mwanza

Dr Charlotte has questioned the logic behind giving huge tracts of Zambian land to Kenyans when the country’s own nationals are struggling to acquire land.

Sharing the story announcing the same giving away of land to her Tweeter feed, Dr Charlotte, former Republican vice-president Dr Guy Scott’s wife, seemed to be at pains to understand the logic behind such a move stating: “Kenya gets a shot in the arm from Zambia.”

One going by the name Derrick Mawere then asked: “Did I read this right, we are giving land to Kenyans while us Zambians are desperately looking for land to expand our farms or start farming? I swear if this is true am fighting it tooth and nail.”

Responding, Dr Charlotte tweeted: “That’s what it’s saying. Am equally puzzled.”
But another tweep Chanka Thompson supported the move to give the land to the Kenyans.

“Those with idle land, star growing crops to compete with the Kenyans. Some you have large tracks of land that you have never used but on hearing Kenyans are coming complaining has started. Mufwaye nshi kanshi ba Zambia,” asked Thompson.

With a high population experiencing food shortage across the country, the Kenyan government received a boost from Zambia.
This was after Zambia agreed to offer Kenyan farmers land for large-scale farming in the Southern Africa nation.

In addition, Kenya will also get maize surplus from Zambia as a short term measure to the current drought situation in Kenya.

This emerged during a bilateral talk between Kenya’s Agriculture and Livestock Development Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi with his Zambian counterpart Reuben Mtolo in Lusaka on Monday.
Speaking during the meeting, Linturi said the two countries will put to pen a memorandum of understanding that will see Kenyan farmers allocated twenty thousand hectares of land for large-scale farming.

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