By Isaac Zulu

Party members should be insulting the leadership as opposed to former president Edgar Lungu, says PF national chairman Davies Chama

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Chama urged party members to respect president Lungu, saying he has categorically made it clear that he is not going to run for the position of party president in the PF and wondered why a party member in the name of Fabian Mutale wants to continue dragging his name in the discourse.

“I know that all party members are important. But if that particular party member is genuine and committed to the cause of the Patriot Front. And if indeed that person once served as private secretary to Honourable Chishimba Kambwili, then he should approach the party secretariat and Honourable Chishimba Kambwili himself; as opposed to making those hallucinations and innuendos,” Chama said. “In case party members have issues with the current Patriot Front leadership, it’s better they insult us that are in leadership, instead of engaging president Edgar Lungu; who should be taking enough rest. The man served as Republican President and party president. He deserves some respect and dignity.”

The former Defence Minister emphasised that machinations from Mutale and other individuals to the effect that Lungu wants to contest for another party presidential race are a mental fabrications and only meant to bring the name of the Patriot Front leadership and former president Edgar Lungu into disrepute.

“To start with, the people who are trying to bring the name of president Edgar Lungu in the happenings in the Patriot Front leadership are lost and do not know what is happening on the ground. Those individuals who are talking about the Patriot Front leadership should not bring the name of President Edgar Lungu in the political picture because the man has made it very clear that he has resigned from active politics. I don’t know many times I am going to talk about this particular issue. And I will still repeat myself for the sake of the Zambian people that these are machinations, machinations only aimed at denting the image of the Patriot Front leadership and president Edgar Lungu,” Chama said. “And I want to emphasize that the name of president Edgar Lungu should not be brought in the party leadership “wrangles” happening in the party, saying the opposition political party will not derailed by distracted by innuendos being peddled by “some members of the PF.”

Chama also said that it was not true that Edgar Lungu has “secretly appointed” Raphael Nakachinda as acting secretary general, stating that the Patriot Front has some laid down procedures on how people should ascend to political positions.

He advised PF members asserting that president Edgar Lungu is behind the continued postponment of the party’s extraordinary convention and the “alleged appointment of Raphael Nakachinda as party acting secretary general,” as fabricated information.

“I don’t want to be disrespectful to any party member. Hoping that the same Fabian Mutale is a true and genuine member of the Patriot Front, my advice is that, as indeed indicated in your tabloid; he was the private secretary to Honourable Chishimba Kambwili, he should feel free to consult the party secretariat and Honourable Chishimba Kambwili himself on what is going on in the Patriot Front,” said Chama.

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