HH IS A THIEF, CHARGES LUSAMBO…raises issues with Mutinta’s car

By Merlyn Mwanza 

Kabushi PF parliamentary candidate Bowman Lusambo has charged that Hakainde Hichilema is a thief whom the media should not even be quoting.

And Lusambo said “alisamba nomba” because of President Edgar Lungu, from the times he used to wear overalls as an MMD die hard.

Speaking during a virtual PF campaign rally, Lusambo said he was surprised the media was even quoting Hichilema, who he said had no personal integrity.

Lusambo unleashed attacks upon attacks on the UPND leader, at one point asserting that Hichilema was a baby in politics and a dull person, whom he would have removed from the UPND presidency if he belonged to the opposition political party.

“His money stinks, that’s why he has put it far away. Otherwise we could have seen companies owned by him and many would be employed…elo aba ba HH nibachitonge. Mutinta (Hichilema’s wife) moves in an old Land Cruiser. If one has money it should be seen through wives and children,” Lusambo said during the virtual campaign monitored by Daily Revelation. “Why have you kept money which you can’t use? Create a company and employ the unemployed Zambians.”

He accused the UPND leader of being a crook.

“We have no time to play with thieves…mambala alikongola. He has told people that if he comes to power foreigners will get Zesco and Zamtel,” Lusambo charged. “Elo ba mambala balitemwa social media. Elections are won on the ground and not on social media.”

Lusambo said leadership belonged to those to whom it had been given, and that Hichilema was not among those.

“You don’t take mabisi and think I can also rule Zambia. Don’t play with leadership, it comes from God,” he said, adding that President Lungu had protected mining jobs on the Copperbelt, plus farming inputs for the 2021-26 mining season had already been distributed on time. “Can you remove a President who is thinking after the people?”

Lusambo said he was a proud Lamba from the Copperbelt which had welcomed and educated people from across the country, saying this country could not have developed if it was Hichilema who came from the Copperbelt.

He said politically he was more advanced than Hichilema, and that since he had decided to support President Lungu, the opposition leader should follow suit than trying to compete with the President.

Lusambo said he used to put on overalls but he was now all cleaned up.

“Can’t you see ninsamba because of Edgar Chagwa Lungu?” Lusambo said. “Ifyakupatikisha filaletelela. Nafibaletelela baleipaya abantu (You will end up falling into trouble if you force things. They are now killing people because of forcing matters). Have you ever seen people being killed where President Lungu is going?” He asked.

He charged that all those who were challenging President Lungu were amateurs, saying no one has ever known the history of PAC leader Andyford Banda, while MMD presidential candidate Dr Nevers Mumba was a pastor.

He said Democratic Party (DP) leader Harry Kalaba was plucked from Ministry of Lands by late president Michael Sata.

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  • Concerned Zambian , August 5, 2021 @ 4:36 pm

    Honestly in the entire history of Zambia we have never had a dull politician like Lusambo. Anyway the street language he has used shows who he is and can tell that he emerged from among street cadres and as he has confesses he has plandered tax payers’ money .Zambians can now see his true colours. We remember the disrespect he and his colleagues have had on the founding father of the nation KK. One day the tail will fall between the legs.

  • Zambiana! , August 8, 2021 @ 6:29 am

    Personal attacks with no substance. Why exactly should Zambians vote for you? Does it matter what car your opponent’s wife drives? How does that end corruption, create jobs, reduce poverty?

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