By Isaac Zulu

Howard Kunda is alarmed that senior UPND cadres like Gilbert Liswaniso and Obvious Mwaliteta and other UPND cadres are now big mining owners to the exclusion of other Zambians

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Kunda said he will continue providing checks and balances on the UPND administration, saying that telling the truth does not amount to insulting anybody.

Kunda, who is Zambia Wake up Party (ZAWAPA) leader, has insisted that he is aware that some UPND officials have registered some cooperatives and companies, acquired mining licences and are now the ones running some manganese mines in Mkushi district.

He explained that there is nothing wrong with UPND officials running some manganese mining company, provided they have mining licences; but that what is worrying is the fact that majority Zambians were not benefiting from the country’s mineral wealth while a certain well connected grouping to the powers that be is being accorded an opportunity to run some manganese mines.

“I know that they have formed cooperatives and legally acquired mining licences, which is fine, but our concern is that only a group of UPND officials are benefiting from the mining of manganese in Mkushi district,” Kunda explained. “And I know that the UPND national youth chairman Gilbert Liswaniso and Mr Obvious Mwaliteta (UPND Lusaka Province chairman) and the group are running a manganese mining company in Mkushi district. That is a fact and we can defend ourselves. It is either they swallow it or vomit it. And as Zambia Wake up Party we will not insult anyone, but will continue providing checks and balances on the UPND because that does not amount to insulting.”

The former Muchinga member of parliament called on the UPND administration to ensure that there is equal distribution of empowerment programmes in the country.

“The country’s natural resources, including mineral wealth should benefit all citizens. This government should ensure that there is equal distribution of wealth. The national cake should be enjoyed by all citizens,” said Kunda.

And when reached for a comment, UPND national youth chairman Gilbert Liswaniso acknowledged that he is part of the UPND officials running a named manganese mining company in Mkushi district, saying the mining operations that his group has embarked on are genuine because they had legally acquired some mining licences for the said project.

He said that there is nothing sinister about some UPND members engaging in artisanal mining provided they have followed the laid down procedures in the acquisition of mining licences, saying even political cadres from opposition political parties are at liberty to take part in the economic development of the country, “as long as they meet the requirements for the acquisition of mining licences.”

“First of all, I am a Zambian and the Zambian laws allow every citizen to register a cooperative or company, and subsequently, engage in any business, including mining activities,” Liswaniso explained. “What is wrong for Mr Isaac Zulu and Gilbert Liswaniso registering a company and acquiring a mining licence, if it is legally registered? What is wrong with ordinary Zambians, like Gilbert Liswaniso and Isaac Zulu; getting licences partner with Indian and Chinese nationals to run manganese mining licences? We are Zambians who have acquired manganese mining licences and were granted the rights to undertake mining activities in the same area you are talking about. So we are taking part in manganese mining activities, not only as UPND officials, but as Zambians as well.”

He also encouraged other young people in the country to seize the empowerment programmes being rolled out by the UPND administration so that they can participate in the acceleration of national economic development.

“And my appeal to all the young people, like me, is that they need to be innovative and form cooperatives and acquire mining licences so that they can also benefit from all the empowerment programmes that are being rolled out by the UPND government,” said Liswaniso.

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