By Patson Chilemba 

Colonel Panji Kaunda says he always cautioned former president Edgar Lungu’s daughter, Tasila on modesty and humbleness.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Col Panji said his late father, the country’s founding president Dr Kenneth Kaunda, always cautioned them that being president was not a Kingdom, as one day his presidency would end and “you my children will be ordinary children.”

He said Tasila should have taken a leaf from that wise teaching that she was just an ordinary citizen like everybody else,  and the one who was president was her father, saying it always paid to lead a modest life even when one was very powerful, or were related to a powerful person.

“I mean her no ill, but if there is an issue to be looked into it must be looked into by authorities,” Col Panji said.

He said among other issues, there was still the outstanding issue involving Tasila’s fencing of Forest 70, popularly known as Chimtengo Forest in Katete, which the Ministry of Lands under president said was a criminal offence but were discussing to resolve it.

“The case should go to court…if you go in a Forest Reserve and are round cutting trees with your vehicle, the vehicle is impounded and it becomes government vehicle,” Col Panji said.

He said whether matters involved Tasila or anybody else, they must be investigated because nobody was above the law, whether ones father was president or not president.

“All should answer to the law, whether there is information to authorities they should investigate. ACC is just doing their job. Even that same case involving the fencing it wasn’t sorted out,” said Col Panji. “Even the PS said it was an illegal act. My reporting was about illegal fencing.”

Tasila herself has been silent about that matter.

But according to media reports, Tasila, who rarely makes public statements, recently said she is not the one the ACC was referring to over their statement that they were investigating a former ward councillor of Lusaka for the suspicious purchase of a named bank together with all of the bank’s assets worth K300 million.

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