By Isaac Zulu

UPND Mkushi district chairman Patrick Sitali says he was introduced to the Chinese national running Sacko Manganese mine in Mkushi by senior officials in the UPND.

And Police in Central Province have finally charged five UPND youths that were agitating for the running of Sacko Manganese Mine in Mkushi.

In an interview, Sitali explained that he was only introduced to a Chinese national who is running Sacko Manganese Mine, only going by the name of Mr Peter, by some senior UPND officials from Lusaka who wanted to ensure that young people in the district benefit from the manganese mining company through the formation and registration of cooperatives.

Sources have asserted that Sitali was being used as a front by senior UPND officials in the running of the mine and that he has even been given a Toyota Hilux.

But Sitali insisted that at no time has he been used by Mr Peter in the running of Sacko Manganese Mine.

“I have never at any time been involved or engaged in the mining operations at Sacko Manganese Mine. I also want to put it on record that I have not used my political position to advance for business interests. I am a politician, nothing else but a politician,” Sitali explained. “I only came to know about Mr Peter, who is a Chinese national currently running Sacko Manganese Mine by the (UPND) party senior officials. And the essence was to ensure that youths in Mkushi district from all political parties benefit from the mining activities taking place at Sacko Manganese Mine by forming cooperatives and register them so that they can partner with some private investors. We were requesting for the running of Sacko Manganese Mine through shares using established cooperatives.”

Asked if the UPND leadership in Mkushi district has managed to “seal a deal” regarding the shareholding of Sacko Manganese Mine, Sitali said that that issue has not been attained yet.

“Like I said, the idea behind was to ensure that all youths with registered cooperatives in our district start benefiting from mining activities in our area. Unfortunately, no conclusive agreement has been reached so far,” Sitali said.

Sitali further claimed that the UPND members that have been arrested and detained were Patriot Front members that defected from the then ruling party to the UPND, upon the latter assuming government.

“The UPND leadership will not entertain the unruly behaviour by some party members that are pushing for the running of Sacko Manganese Mine. You should also remember that some Patriot Front youths used to be involved in the the running of Sacko Manganese Mine. But after verifications, it was discovered that Mr Sacko, who is based in Mali, did not have a valid license to run that Manganese Mine. He was then deported by the PF government. I am told that Mr Sacko has since returned to Zambia. Though I don’t know what kind of business he is running in the country currently,” said Sitali. “For your information, the people that were arrested in this is whole thing are people that used to run the Manganese Mine with Mr Sacko, but upon the UPND forming government, they crossed the floor and joined the UPND. Those are the people that have been agitating for the running of Sacko Manganese Mine because they were used to such kind of arrangement. They were initially suspended by the district leadership, but have since been expelled.”

And Central Province Police Commissioner David Chileshe Mukuka confirmed the development in an interview, saying the said UPND members have been charged with the one count of causing the breach of peace and another count of criminal libel.

Mukuka explained that the charge of criminal libel arises from the UPND members’ insinuating that First Lady Mutinta Hichilema owns Sacko Manganese Mine in Mkushi.

“Following the arrest of five people in Mkushi who circulated a video accusing the First Lady of owning Sacko Manganese Mine, the following suspects have been charged for the offence of conduct likely to cause the breach of peace,” Mukuka explained. “Evans Bwalya (aged 36) of Itala compound and a builder by profession, Didan Mwiinga (aged 32) who is also a resident of Itala compound in Mkushi district and a businessman by profession. Others are Royan Dilamonu (aged 44) of R compound in Mkushi district who is a businessman, Charles Mwansa (aged 44) of Itala compound an electrician by profession and Frederick Bwalya (aged 37) who is a businessman by profession.”

Mukuka further said that the five suspects have been released on Police bond awaiting court appearance.

“They were officially charged and arrested for two counts of conduct likely to cause the breach of peace and criminal libel contrary to Section 191 of the Penal Code, Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia and will appear in Court on 4th March, 2023.

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