By Isaac Zulu

Zambia Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians [ZAGO] member of the Executive Dr Christopher Ng’andwe has disclosed that Kitwe district in the Copperbelt Province records about 200 cases of unsafe abortions per month.  

Speaking when he officially closed a two-day media training workshop on Comprehensive Abortion Care and Legal Framework on Termination of Pregnancy in Zambia, which was held at Kitwe Sherbourne Lodge under the auspices of Zambia Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians [ZAGO], Dr Ng’andwe disclosed that currently Kitwe has the highest number of maternal deaths arising from unsafe abortions in the country; standing at 14 per cent while the national rate is 7 per cent.

Dr Ng’andwe explained that unsafe abortions is among the top five causes of maternal deaths in Zambia.

“Members of the media, I am sure the past two days that our team has interacted with you …you have a feel of the magnitude of the problem associated with unsafe abortion. You now understand how big this problem is, especially how unsafe abortion is affecting women in Zambia; and most importantly, adolescent girls. But as society, we are still not paying particular attention to this problem. And by society, I mean at all levels starting from community, hospital, political leaders and; of-course, the media has been lagging behind in discussing this important subject,” explained Dr Ng’andwe. “I think it is important that unsafe abortions do not only impact those that experience them; the women girls and other teenagers. But they also affect everyone in a way. If a woman undergoes unsafe abortion, the hospitalisation is a huge cost…it becomes a very, very huge cost to actually manage such a case. And sometimes this cost is passed on to some family members who are taking care of such a patient in many forms. 

“I was interacting with Dr Victor Sichone, a gynecologist from Kitwe Central Hospital, and I was appalled at the numbers of women and girls who are being admitted to Kitwe Central Hospital due to complications arising from unsafe abortions. They are admitting more than or close to 200 cases per month. And when you look at that you will realise that the bed space on the gynecology ward is occupied by women and girls admitted to the health facility due to complications arising from unsafe abortions. And this increase in numbers of unsafe abortion cases tells you that something is wrong. And you, the media, should come in. Do your investigative journalism and find the root cause of this problem.” 

And Ng’andwe has reiterated that sexual reproductive health is a human rights issue.

“Yes, in as much as unsafe abortion is a political issue, our lawyer here will tell you that it is a human rights issue. It affects the woman in many aspects. That is why the law comes in to address it. We need to approach this issue in a manner that will address all barriers and challenges that come with it because, if left unchecked; it will continue to kill our women and adolescent girls in our communities,” said Dr Ng’andwe. 

He emphasised that ZAGO is not promoting abortion in Zambia, but that the association has just mounted on a crusade to prevent unsafe abortion, with a vie to saving lives.

“About 15 per cent of maternal deaths in Zambia are as a result of unsafe abortions. 15 per cent might appear to be a small number. But the ministry of health has been saying that no woman should die while pregnant or whilst giving birth. So, these percentages should be of great concern to all of us,” he explained. “Therefore, we cannot continue burying our heads under the pretext of our values as Zambians, especially that we are Christian nation. And yet our women and girls continue to use illegal means of terminating pregnancies by using sharp instruments such a sticks, sharp metals, herbs.”

Dr Ng’andwe further noted that the media plays a critical role in sensitising members of the public about sexual reproductive health rights, explaining that the association considers the media as key partners in advocating for the prevention of unsafe abortion and other ailments affecting women and children in the country.

“The mere fact teenagers are getting pregnant, means that they are indulging in unprotected sex. We, therefore, urge you the media to join hands with us in our campaign to prevent unsafe abortions and save lives. Together we can win this battle and save the lives of women and girls,” he added.

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