Miles dissolves his central committee

By Esther Chisola

PF faction leader Miles Sampa has with immediate effect dissolved his central committee.

And Sampa said all administrative functions will be handled by him. 

In a letter addressed to all PF members yesterday, Sampa said the action was in accordance with the powers vested in him by his office.

“I make reference to the above matter and now write to formally notify the member of the central Committee and the general membership that by powers vested in my office by article 61 (Powers & Functions of the President of the Party), I have With effect from 30th June, 2024 dissolved the Central Committee of the Party,” he stated.

Sampa stated the new appointments for the positions in the central committee would be announced soon. 

“New appointments for the positions in the central committee shall be announced soon on an acting basis prior to the next extraordinary conference whose dates shall be announced in due course. During this period, all administrative functions will be vested in the office of the party President as mandated by the PF Party constitution,” he stated. 

Sampa further instructed his former members to hand over the party’s stationary.

“Please all be guided accordingly and if you have any party stationary and office stamps by virtue of having been a member of the central committee and offices therein, please hand them to the office of the undersigned by end of 2nd July, 2024. Be guided accordingly,” stated Sampa.

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