MOONGA INSULTS TAMARA OVER HER ‘ALUNGU’ SONG…says “maybe she has prolonged periods”

By Patson Chilemba 

Ruling PF central committee member Paul Moonga has insulted Tamara Ngozi over her song attacking Lungu, saying she is maybe suffering from prolonged menstrual periods.

Reacting to the song titled ALungu, a remake of the late Paul Ngozi’s ALungu song, with new words raising issues on Lungu’s character and leadership, Moonga unleashed on Tamara.

“…may be she has prolonged periods. She has a problem. When women are sick with prolonged periods they can say anything. Mentally she is not stable she is handicapped. So let her just enjoy whatever she is enjoying,” Moonga said in his comments to Daily Revelation. “Wamene Tamara umu uze uyo if you have prolonged periods go and see a doctor, leave Mr Lungu alone he has no time for such stupid characters like that.”

Moonga said as opposed to the issues Tamara was raising, President Lungu has brought massive development into the country, including the three international airports in Lusaka, Ndola and Livingstone. He also mentioned the massive upgrades to hospitals like the Levy Mwanawasa, plus universities, roads and schools constructed across the country.

“So it’s such characters who are sick. And when a woman has prolonged periods she becomes so unstable. She needs a psychiatrist. Uilembe So chabe the way it is,” Moonga said, calling in a minute later after the first call had ended and unloading more: “I think she is suffering from fibros let her go to Levy Mwanawasa Hospital, because sometimes fibros cause prolonged periods.”

“But you are insulting women?” this author asked.

But Moonga said he was talking about this specific women, in the same manner he was talking about opposition UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema when talking about his Tonga tribesmen.

Tamara has produced a controversial song, raising issues against Lungu on several matters.

Below is a transcript of the song done in Nyanja:

“Ku Kafue uko mpaka ku Mwinilunga bazimai napapata asamishinge butter. Ku vutika mwavutika musaibaleko manje chitukuko cha Zambia chifunika mulibantu. ALungu anatenga ndalama zonse nomangiza muma road, kuzifolesa nama cadre, nakutisiya munjala. ALungu kuona choncho agula vitenge…nazo nkani lelo. 

A Lungu kuona choncho anagula vitenge nama njinga, nama T-shirt, nama mask yonse. Kutifolesa folesa manje kuti bativale manso, koma mailo mumazulo tinaba gwililapo. 


Mwazi ona ALungu mwaona lelo ukuluku wanu lelo tili munkongole. Mwazi ona ALungu mwaona lelo ma minister number one pama kuluku yonse. Mwaziona ALungu ulesi wanu boma yanu lelo yaononga Zambia. 

Mitengo za fuel nazo monga usonkela nyumba, ma laiti nayo ku zesco yasila monga nichakudya. Nkani ya Covid iyo inatipeza muma vuto, anyamata na asikana penzelibe manchito. Kokamba imwe mukuti, ndise tinamanga miseo. But ukayanganisisa ma corruption fulufulu…ALungu po ona choncho banayamba kubilingana, kuponya aliyense mundende akafunsako chabe. Mwazi ona ALungu mwaona lelo ma dizzy yanu yagwesa Kwacha

Mwaziona ALungu mwaona lelo ma yusi yatu bankala ma cadre. Mwazi ona ALungu mwaona lelo ba Police batu lelo bayopa ma cadre. 

Another stanza

Aha nazo nkani lelo, ba Lungu ku choka ku Chawama kuibalako banzao bo vutika zoona. Kuti dyela ma suku pa mitu na humility yaboza. Baja bakulu bachito pozing’a na Bible ku oneka monga ati babelenga. Basi bonse imwe mwenze busy manje kuona so muli ah our humble President, uhmmm mwana wa Mulungu, ni Mulungu achoka kwa Mulungu ifintu ni Lungu. Hahahaha lelo mwamuziba Yesu namunzake Lazaro. Apa manje tiyeni ti vote na nzelu. Tibachosepo aba pa chinondo balemelela pa mupando. Ti using’e nzelu not kusebenzesa mimba…

Mwazi ona ALungu mwaona lelo ukuluku wanu lelo ndise amuka mfwila. 

Muvipatala umo mankwala nayo mulibe, ukadwala akupasa vima panadol vitatu. Makolo batu bavutika kupapatila ma pension koma ndalama fulufulu muma pocket yanu. Ndalama zonse zinasila, munapeleka ku vyalo. Koma mailo mumazulo mukuti debt forgiveness. Yashani iyo, kuwayawayafye

Mwazi ona A Lungu mwaona lelo ma supporter yanu lelo yachinja nzelu. Mwazi ona ALungu ukuluku wanu ziko latu lelo mwapasa ma Chinese. Mwazi ona ALungu mwaona lelo ziko yatu lelo nimuka mfwilwa.”

Moonga also unleashed on Hichilema, claiming that the opposition leader was trying to negotiate with Jack Mwiimbu and Garry Nkombo to let go of their seats with a promise that he would nominate them, but they both refused his advances.

“Ka Garry Kakana, Jack akana because they know the guy can’t form government. I didn’t want to become an MP because I know my President (Edgar Lungu) is going to win. Jack Mwiimbu is too intelligent for HH and Garry Nkombo, they know the fello will lose, (and) all they want is to bounce back to Parliament. Bally ku wire,” Moonga said.

He said Mwiimbu and Nkombo knew that if they just applied a little effort they were guaranteed of retaining their seats, saying people in Southern Province voted for tribe.

“They don’t vote for development, they vote for tribe in Southern Province. They vote for tribe not for development,” Moonga charged, further belittling Hichilema’s academic qualifications. “They call themselves economists, the School of Economics when you go to the University of Zambia is found in School of Humanities. Go to the School of Natural Sciences, emuya abaume ama engineers ama doctors, and bene Moonga ama agricultural agronomists.”

Moonga said Hichilema should stop boasting that he would fix things in the country, when President Lungu was already doing that.

“I am an economist, so what? Bally will fix it! Fix what? When he’s failed to fix his own family. Your family is wallowing in poverty and you call yourself a billionaire,” said Moonga. “Why hasn’t he brought down the price of beef? If I have 95,000 animals I will supply to all the chain stores at half the price. We are winning in all the seven constituencies in Lusaka. The Bally will fix himself”

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  • Kings Way , August 7, 2021 @ 9:44 am

    Let them say want to I am PF for life

  • Jombo , August 7, 2021 @ 9:49 am

    Ba women groups, where are you. Your leader has insulted a lady and you are silent, if it’s someone from the opposition you would have been up in arms singing arrest him

  • Chongo Mwape , August 7, 2021 @ 1:24 pm

    Imbiila yamulanda, tabayasukila thus goes a Bemba saying. In Tamara’s song, no known person has been mentioned so what has prompted you to insult the young lady? This is shameful, the entire Central Committee Member, a senior citizen ifor that matter insulting his daughter because of different political views. Is there something you know about the contents of this song that the rest of us don’t know?⁰
    Tamara sue this man. You have all the evidence. Shame on you.

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