NALUMANGO ACCUSES MILLERS OF INFLATING MMEAL PRICES … something that can be interpreted as mockery since ZNS is exporting commodity

By Isaac Zulu

Vice President Mutale Nalumango is has said that some millers are inflating the prices of mealie meal.

Responding to Kantanshi member of parliament Anthony Mumba who wanted to know what immediate measures government is putting in places to avert the skyrocketing prices of mealie meal, Nalumango said that government had intervened through ZNS, FRA and millers over the matter saying it is disappointing to note that despite such interventions, the prices of the staple food are high.

However, that ZNS involvement is highly questionable as the same institution that was brought in to help arrest the skyrocketing prices is now involved in the export of meal mealie at lucrative prices, despite claims to the contrary that the mealie meal they are exporting is the one they import from South Africa, something that has been debunked as it is not in ZNS’s role to be a trading organisation.

“These prices are exergerated. The millers are inflating the prices of mealie meal,” Nalumango said.

Nalumango also said that the UPND administration has demonstrated that it is on the right trajectory to deliver on its campaign promises and that is why most opposition members of parliament were not speaking in Parliament.

“So we congratulate them for keeping quiet,” she said.

She said that the UPND administration and Presidential Hakainde Hichilema have worked tirelessly to achieve the debt restructuring agreement.

“And I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them Minister of Finance Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane for being the most outstanding Finance Minister in Africa,” Nalumango said.

The Vice President also expressed optimism that the digitalisation process currently taking place at the Ministry of Lands will improve service delivery.

She said that clients will no longer be waiting for long periods before accessing services at the Ministry of Lands.

“What I know is that there a transitioning taking place. And this will enhance efficiency,” Nalumango said.

Nalumango also bemoaned the delayed disbursement of Constituency Development Funds, saying Lusaka City Council has been the slowest when it comes to the disbursement of CDF.

“We expect them to have the expertise to administer CDF and disburse the funds timely,” said Nalumango.

She was responding to Kabwata member of parliament Andrew Tayengwa.

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