By Staff Reporter

Nelly Mutti must immediately resign as Speaker of the National Assembly on moral grounds for abrogating the Republican Constitution, Kabushi member of parliament (PF) Bowman Lusambo has charged.

Speaking with Daily Revelation on the decision by the Constitutional Court to quash Speaker Nelly Mutti’s order to members of parliament whose election victories have been nullified but are yet to be disposed of by the courts, to vacate the house, Lusambo said the Concourt decision had come on the heels of the presidential address to parliament on morals, principles and ethos, and therefore Speaker Mutti should take a leaf from that and resign on moral grounds.

“The Speaker under normal circumstances has to resign on moral grounds because she will be presiding over an important legislative institution having abrogated the Republican Constitution,” Lusambo said.

He said the court was the only institution that stood as a buffer in protecting the democracy the country’s forefathers fought so hard for.

“You know Parliament is compromised bearing the way the Speaker conducted herself, ignoring the constitution of this country,” said Lusambo. “I am very happy this interpretation has been made straight by the Constitutional Court. I hope in the near future we are not going to have any form of injustice.”

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  • Buck teeth lungu , March 23, 2022 @ 2:07 am

    The president Kaunda abrogated the Barotse land agreement, did he resign, nope he did not.
    So, lusambo you should be the last person to ever open that mouth of yours when it stinks of corruption and tribalism
    BTW who wears sunglasses in the so called office…oh only a baffoon called lusambo

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