New Zambia We Want party formed

By Mubanga Mubanga

A new political organisation calling itself the ‘Zambia We Want’  (ZWW) has been launched with a view to countering several shortcomings of the current government, among them the continued blame of the previous regime over the economic problems facing the country, tribalism, ethnicity and regionalism.

Speaking at the launch which was held at Liutebm University in Lusaka on Wednesday, chairperson of ZWW Patrick Kalifungwa said the organisation was for all Zambians who wanted self-determination adding that everyone was welcome.

According to Kalifungwa, ZWW has identified several shortcomings in the current government, among them the continued mentioning of the “previous regime, over the economic problems facing the country, and tribalism, ethnicity and regionalism.

He said a number of people agreed upon the concerns that were identified and shared and some of these as follows:

“(a) a general dissatisfaction with the current political, economical and social economic situation as being managed by the current administration. The lynch pin of the administration is constantly optioning blame, we say this is not acceptable, (b) a clear propensity by the government to attack, to weaken, to brutalise and to obliterate all opposition political parties, with the view toward the creation of the defacto one party state, (c) The existence of insufficient checks and balances between the three arms of government, and the consequent elevation of the Presidency above and beyond any other institution of government,” Kalifungwa said.

“(d) Growing incidents of promoting ethnicity, tribalism and the government behavior, that tend to create exclusion of the basis of political affiliation, family ties and or regionalism. These can not be deemed by any measure to be correct, (e) a noticable lack of transparency in government procurement, offloading of national assets, and affirmation to questionable international agreements, raising legitimacy fears and concerns and possible explosion of white collar corruption, is more dangerous vice, than the petty thefts.”. 

Member Muhabi Lungu said the organisation came about after different stakeholders expressed strong concerns about the direction the country was taking and resolved to form ZWW.

He said three months ago in March, he was given a responsibility by his colleagues to announce the impending arrival of the third force. 

Lungu said in May 2023, intensive consultations began among three separate groupings of people, experienced citizens who has  been involved in the economic process of the  country for the last 30 years.

And Bob Sichinga who is also a member of the grouping said Zambia should not celebrate the restructuring of the debt because, the debt burden is being shifted to the future generations.

“The question we should ask ourselves is, if we reschedule the debt who is going to pay for it? It is not a write off, it is not debt being written off, you defer it to your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren come and pay for it,” Sichinga said.

Another member Ernest Mwansa said a lot of things had gone wrong in the country to a point where people were celebrating the employing of 30,000 civil servants, in a country with the population of 20 million people.

At the same launch, former defense minister in the Edgar Lungu administration Richwell Siamunene said there would be no economic emancipation without unity.

Siamunene further said the ZWW was an organization, which had come to do things differently.

The launch was also attended by former Matero member of parliament, Faustina Sinyangwe, former Kaumbwe member of parliament Nicholas Phiri, former North-western permanent secretary Bert Mushala, Ruth Chikasa, Harriton Kanema and former sports minister George Chulumanda among others.

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