By Isaac Zulu

Colonel Panji Kaunda should be preaching, love, peace and unity; instead of continuously saying that former president Edgar Lungu does not qualify to be referred to as the father of the nation, says Charles Kabwita.

In an interview, Kabwita has pointed out that the continuous resentful statements by Col Kaunda againat former president Edgar Lungu have the potential to divide the country, which he said is already divided.

He said that former president Edgar Lungu was democratically elected by the Zambian people, advocated for and promoted democracy, therefore deserves to be called father of the nation.

“Former president Edgar Lungu was democratically elected by the majority Zambian citizenry. Thereafter, he ruled the country for seven years during which time he advocated for democracy and the promotion of the same democracy. That is the first qualification for him to be referred to as the father of the nation. It is on that basis that president Edgar Lungu deserves to be called the father of the nation,” said Kabwita, who is National Democratic Congress secretary general. “The continuous resentful statements by Col Kaunda againat former president Edgar Lungu have the potential to divide the country. So, Colonel Panji Kaunda should be preaching love, peace and unity; instead of continuously saying that former president Edgar Lungu does not qualify to be called father of the nation; especially at this time when we are mourning the fourth Republican President Rupiah Banda.”

Kabwita wondered how Col Panji Kaunda would feel if Zambians were to continue looking and talking about the bad things that his father, first Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda, did as opposed to focussing on the positive side of his leadership style.

“Colonel Panji Kaunda should be reminded that his late father, late first Republican President Dr Kenneth Kaunda; may his soul rest in peace, ruled this country for 27 years under one party state, which was synonymous to dictatorship. Under the rule of Dr Kenneth Kaunda our parents were subjected to voting for ifyula, frogs. I might have been young by then, but these things are in public domain,” said Kabwita. “There are other bad things that the first Republican President did. But he was only human and bound to err. And that is the more reason why we should not be looking at the bad things he did during his tenure but, instead; but look at the positive things that Dr Kenneth Kaunda did for this country, which earned him the title of father of the nation.”

Kabwita advised Col Panji Kaunda to channel his energies towards advising the UPND government to procure essential medicines, that are currently in short supply in public health facilities.

“Colonel Panji Kaunda should be an inspiration to the young people who should not be issuing divisive statements. We expect Col Panji Kaunda to be questioning the health minister and the UPND government why we don’t have drugs in hospitals while people are dying. Those are the issues that we expect the big man to concentrate on, instead of just politicking for the sake of attracting political attention. If these continued attacks and belittling the former president, I am afraid; it will affect the legacy of President Hakainde Hichilema,” said Kabwita.

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