By Kamuti Muyambela

Ruling PF cadres in Lumezi yesterday engaged in fist fights and other forms of violence over the money President Edgar Lungu’s running mate, Professor Nkandu, left them with, leading to some being hospitalised.

Multiple sources in Prof Luo’s campaign team and those in Lumezi have told Daily Revelation that the fight ensued after Prof Luo left money with a ward official Kedrick Banda, but as soon as she took off the other cadres charged at Banda and the fight ensued.

“What happened was that President Lungu’s running mate, Prof Luo arrived in chief Mwanya’s area in the valley of Lumezi, she only went to visit the chief and told her that because of the busy schedule she will only meet the chief and leave men on the ground to run the campaign. She went out and called the PF cadres, whom she gave money to,” one of the eye witnesses narrated. “But hardly had she dropped to the next destination, Lumezi High School, the PF cadres pounced on their chairman and his colleagues, beat them up and took all the money from them. So he was admitted to Kamoto Hospital in Mambwe, the nearest hospital.”

The sources said the person who was admitted to the hospital with bad injuries was Banda, and mentioned the other victims as Chitangala Ng’ona, Jimmy Sakala, Fred Nkhoma, all from Mkasanga area.

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  • Baldwin lumbuka , August 6, 2021 @ 11:11 am

    Stop fighting over petty issues,think of developing our nation.our Future Leaders are yet to learn from you.

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