PF will never appreciate the good UPND does – Milupi

By Esther Chisola

Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development Charles Milupi says the PF will never appreciate the UPND government no matter how good they do things.

Last week, chief government spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa said it were the opposition parties who wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly Nellie Mutti asking to amend the Constitution.

But Matero PF member of parliament Miles Sampa said he suspected the request to amend the Constitution was from opposition members of parliaments who are “frauds and conmen whose interest is to serve their stomachs”

However, in an interview with Daily Revelation yesterday, Milupi – who is also UPND alliance chairperson – said there was nothing that the UPND government would do that would be appreciated by the opposition. 

“There is nothing that the UPND alliance government will do that will get praise from the PF. We have had the three years’ experience. There are so many good things that have been done. You will never hear even a single word of appreciation or acknowledgement,” he said. 

Milupi said the UPND had in the last three years resolved the country’s debt crisis which was left in a mess by the PF and yet the PF was just trying to do everything within their power to bounce back into office.

“So, they seem to be so desperate to bounce back to power so that they can continue what they were doing. And they know that in order for that to happen, in their view, it’s to engage in negative propaganda,” Milupi said. 

He wondered why the opposition did not clearly state what they did not want to be amendment in the Constitution instead of just bringing out negative propaganda.

Milupi said the government had never discussed the propaganda of extending the Presidential term limit or the removal of the 50 percent plus one clause. 

“What do they do, they go to the negative things that Hakainde wants to change his presidential term limit to seven years. They want to introduce the 50 plus one,” said Milupi. “Those are all negative propaganda. Yesterday, the Minister (of Justice Princess Kasune) made it very clear that we never discussed the presidential term limit and the 50 plus one. We should work as one, this is in the interest of all Zambians.” 

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