By Daily Revelation Reporter

PF’s Charity Banda is wondering why some are rushing to proclaim former president Edgar Lungu as the father of the nation, when he is busy fomenting confusion in the former ruling party, where “he wants everyone to dance to his tune.”

And Banda has questioned the former president’s daughter, Tasila’s supersonic rise in terms of leadership positions in PF, saying within a few years she has risen from being a councilor, to Chawama constituency chairperson, on to member of parliament and now the party’s spokesperson for Lusaka Province, saying only the blind will not see the game being played here.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Banda, who was elected as chairlady for Lusaka Province in the recently dissolved Lusaka, which has been replaced by an appointed committee led by Christopher Shakafuswa, wondered what criteria the central committee used to appoint the new people into their positions.

She wondered how Kennedy Kamba has been elevated to become a central committee member, if the argument upon which the central committee based its dissolution of the Kamba-led Lusaka provincial committee was that they costed the party the elections in Lusaka Province. She wondered why the party had also not dissolved the Copperbelt committee for costing the party the elections in the former stronghold, arguing that they had done so for Lusaka because several members were seen to be Chishimba Kambwili’s loyalists.

She said Kamba and Kelvin Kaunda (now youth league chairperson and formerly deputy youth chairperson in the dissolved committee) have been reappointed in order to “divide and rule.”

She said acting PF president Given Lubinda had never accepted to work with the party structures, hence “the move to create parallel structures” under the control of president Lungu.

“They are totally failures. Honestly what are they scared of? A few of us they have removed pa Province, oh that is total nonsense!” Banda said.

She charged that she was aware that Lubinda and “the clique” usually had meetings with president Lungu before the central committee meetings in order to implement his wishes, saying “no wonder most central committee members were staying away from the same meetings.”

Banda said it was unfortunate that “this was the person” some were hailing as father of the nation, saying the late fourth Republican president Rupiah Banda also did the same with the Mutati and Nevers Mumba factions in the MMD, although he played a statesman role later on.

“Lungu is still controlling PF like it’s his own baby. He wants everyone to dance to his tune even when he is making mistakes,” Banda said, adding that no matter how much she was frustrated she would remain and fight in PF, but “it’s them who will leave the party faster than they came.”

She said “they think they are clever when they are just showing their foolishness.”

“I even doubt the convention will come. Even what they have done coming up with a committee of the general conference, that is useless. I Charity, I say PF belongs to all,” Banda said. “Ulupato ulo kwati ni ndoshi. Bakabwalala, ba mukukulu (This kind of hatred is synonymous to witchcraft. These thieves, liars). Me I have never stolen,” Banda said. “Even Kamba if he was an upright person he would have said ‘if you have picked me, what about those others?’ Mingulu shekasheka…ba (acting PF secretary general Nixon) Chilangwa, ba Lubinda what you are doing is nonsense. Tamwakwata amano.”

She questioned Tasila’s supersonic rise in the PF, even while the father was voted out of office.

“Uyo umwana wabo she just came in a few years ago. She came from nowhere, today she is IPF (Information and Publicity Secretary for Lusaka Province). Ba Tasila bayenda ififulo. First councilor, Chawama constituency chairperson, kalekale MP, kalekale Province,” said Banda.

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