Police arrest Mpongwe man for killing his friend over money

By Chinoyi Chipulu

A-35- year-old man of Mpongwe has been arrested for the murder of his friend after he allegedly refused to give him part of the money the two worked for.

And Police have launched a manhunt for a 45-year-old man of Luanshya district who allegedly defiled his wife’s sister aged, 13.

Mweemba said Joseph Nshabila of Mpongwe district murdered Peter Chimbaya, 42, yesterday after hitting him with a brick on his forehead.

Nshabila went to the deceased to ask for the same money but the deceased declined to give him as he was in a drunken state. 

“Nshabila went to claim for his share of the money from the deceased person which they both worked for but instead, Chimbaya decided to use the whole money alone.They later started exchanging words and Nshabila got emotional, got a brick and hit his friend on the forehead and he fell on the ground. Onlookers then picked the deceased person up and rushed him to Machiya Rural Health Center where he was pronounced dead on arrival,”  said Mweemba.

And Mweemba said the defilement incident happened on June, 22, 2024, in Minkomfwa where the woman found her husband defiling the sister in their matrimonial bedroom.

Outgoing Copperbelt province police commanding officer Peacewell Mweemba named the suspect as Humphrey Chishala who is on the run.

“Brief facts of the matter are that on June 22, around  06:00 hours, the girl’s sister was going for work and  on her way, she realised that she had forgotten her phone at home and went back home,” he said

Mweemba said when she reached home, she noticed that her young sister was not in her bedroom but found her in the bed bedroom with her husband.

“To her surprise, she found her husband in the very act of defiling her young sister. The suspect immediately managed to escape from the wife. The matter was reported to the police who issued a medical report form,” he said.

He said the victim sustained painful genitals.

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