Scrap off Zesco schedule, it’s useless – Mulongoti

By Mubanga Mubanga

Former Chingola mayor MacDonald Mulongoti has told ZESCO to discard it’s load shedding schedule as it serves no purpose.

Mulongoti who is now Socialist Party Copperbelt Provincial Training coordinator stated that the timetable was useless and was misleading as the utility company did not adhere to it.

He said in the case of Chingola town, electricity customers mostly in high density areas such as Maiteneke, Mikilon, Twatasha, part of Chiwempala and Lulamba were adversely affected because power outages took more than 15 hours daily from about 07:00 hours to 23:00 hours or longer which situation contrasted with what obtained in low density areas such as Chingola Central where power is sometimes uninterrupted for several days.

“And coincidentally, that is where Chingola member of parliament and Commerce Minister Hon Chipoka Mulenga stays. That to me raises a lot of suspicions and I am challenging the somewhat compromised Chingola Zesco management to justify this squalid scenario because all customers must be treated fairly,” he stated. 

Mulongoti asked how Zesco thought welding businesses, barber shops, salons and meat markets among others would operate without power continuously during the day.

He stated that  Zesco should stop taking poor people for granted.

“We have complained before yet there is no improvement,” stated Mulongoti.

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