SP Central Province official quits … I can’t continue mobilising the party using my own resources

Jane Chanda

Socialist Party member Gabriel Bwalya Nsofwa has resigned from the party, citing the failure of the party to support grassroots mobilisation activities.

In a statement, former Kabwe district secretary and Provincial vice-treasurer of the Socialist Party (SP), stated that he could not continue to mobilise the party using his personal resources, only to be neglected and ignored by the party leadership.

Nsofwa stated that it was time for him to move on and find a party that values and supports its members.

He expressed disappointment that the party prioritised costly by-elections over mobilisation activities, despite claiming a lack of resources. 

“SP has unfortunately neglected mobilisation activities citing lack of resources, while participating in costly bye-elections,” he stated. “This has made it difficult for me to continue in my roles, as I feel I am not making a meaningful contribution to the party’s growth.

“I want to thank SP for the privilege accorded to me to serve in the rank and file of its leadership.” 

Nsofwa also stated that he felt it was time for him to explore new opportunities where his efforts would be supported and valued.

According to Nsofwa, his decision to leave the party was not taken lightly, but he was excited about the future. 

“I am excited to transition to work with a grouping that will supplement my efforts, even in a little way. I am confident that this move will allow me to make a more meaningful contribution to the political landscape,”  stated Nsofwa. 

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