By Staff Reporter

Socialist Party (SP) member Paul Moonga says he now knows his background as a Tonga because he has been lectured to by his party leader Dr Fred M’membe.

And Moonga said as opposed to the usual politicking, SP has got land where they are teaching young people in soap making and farming, something he said would be so widespread by 2026 to make a difference at the ballot box.

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Moonga said for the first time in his life he was serving under a president who was able to put him in a classroom “at my age”, to compare notes.

He said to make any progress someone has to first know who they are.

“Fred wants you to know that we are all Bantus, one people. Two, we want to know our neighbors then we go to foreign policy. Fred is able to take you in all that area,” Moonga said. “He will tell you where Tongas came from. For the first time I know where Tongas came from. History in Zambia is tilted. ‘The Tongas were found in Zambia’, how? I finished form 5. I went to Germany. I am an Agronomist. I didn’t know about my background where I came from. Today I know where I came from. I tell my children where we came from. Would you imagine that up to my age of 65, I only knew myself where I came from now? All these years, some have died they don’t know where they came from. Mark Chona the lawyer, they don’t know where they came from. Can you imagine that? The Bible says my people perish for lack of knowledge. First of all you must understand who you are as a people. Comrade M’membe is able to take me through all those lectures.”

He urged all the leaders in Africa to know their history as those who fail to do so are lost.

Moonga said SP is about respecting other people, but will not promote homosexuality as they have been accused by other parties.

He said people who brand Dr M’membe as one who promotes homosexuality are liars.

“He’s married to a very beautiful Mutinta. He is humble, no beer, no smoking. I drink beer but I drink responsibly. I have never smoked in my life,” Moonga said.

He said SP espoused values about how to serve people better and use the resources for the benefit of the people, saying late Tanzanian president Pombe Magufuli was the best example of how one could use their own resources without having to depend on the IMF and other multilateral institutions.

He wondered how the country could be trying to get money from the IMF and the World Bank despite owning huge resources in minerals.

Moonga said while people were celebrating a debt restructuring of $6.3 billion, the same world was giving Ukraine billions of free money everyday, saying under the SP the mining houses will have to give to “Caesar what belongs to Caesar” in terms of taxation as opposed to the tax holidays they have been receiving.

And Moonga said SP was not merely politicking but teaching young people in real life lessons like soap making and teaching them on how to do farming without fertilizer.

He mentioned some places were such activities are taking place, and said they will be so widespread by 2026 to make a difference at the ballot.

“We are already there, the ground is so fertile,” said Moonga, and claiming that SP was the only party which was not going for CDF funds, but doing their own fundraising ventures and teaching people how to manufacture goods. “Food is expensive now. What do you do? You use the methods that won’t require fertilizer but growing food at a high level. We have a farm which will be for just educating the youth along Mungwi road, teaching people how to grow food using organic manure.”

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