The cry of the women saying “Hakainde kulibe vamene achita” seems genuine, Simumba tells UPND sympathiser

By Merlyn Mwanza

Economic analyst Trevor Simumba has castigated a UPND sympathiser after claiming that the women who pleaded with Edgar Lungu to come back because Hakainde “kulibe vamene achita (he’s doing nothing)” where stage managed.

One going by the name Snr posted the video showing the women complaining to Lungu on his social media page while tweeting that Lungu was simply politicking by stage managing the women to complain before him.

“Cheap politicking from a man whose administration run down our system,” posted Snr.

But responding, Simumba who supported and campaigned for the UPND to get into office but has been expressing disappointment with how they have gone about governing, urged Snr to listen to their lamentations.

“Are you saying those women are stage managed? Why not listen to their lamentations. Their crying seems genuine. I have heard it myself across the country especially on the CB,” argued Simumba.

The two women, who seemed to be caught by surprise at the sight of Lungu, complained to the former president that they have suffered as they can even find a simple coin.

“Tavutika tata. Tavutika. So apa tenzo kambapo. Sure olo coin! Awe tavutika. Boss ndimwe (We have suffered father. We have suffered. We were even talking about it just now that we can’t even seem to find a coin. You are the real boss),” the women who said they were on their way to look for employment as maids, complained. “We cry day and night. I even cry in the night saying my president is Edgar Lungu. I don’t know Hakainde. You are the boss. We are crying for you thank God will continually bless you.”

For his part, the former president simply said: “Namvela! Namvela! Vamveka mama! (I have heard! I have heard! I have heard mum!).”

“Hakainde kulibe vamene achita (Hakainde is doing nothing),” the women continued.

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