By Merlyn Mwanza

Major Ben Phiri says when a member of parliament like Anthony Mumba pours scorn on Edgar Lungu, he must realise that “those of us who loathe him far exceed the group that craves for his return to power which remains a distant prospect.”

Speaking with Daily Revelation on Mumba’s urge to former president Edgar Lungu to encourage those who are asking for his come back to instead retire with him, Maj Phiri stated that the statement by Mumba vindicated him over what he has been saying.

“Lungu and his cohorts are desperately trying to obliterate their multiple infractions for the sole purpose of regaining political prominence with the ultimate aim of mercilessly pillaging our resources as the case was with the infamously famous albeit moribund fire tenders bought at the inflated price of US$ 1 million each, PF’s overpriced Ndola Lusaka dual carriageway, the superfluous Ndola airport etc,” Maj Phiri stated. “The Kantanshi legislator Hon Mumba is spot on with his remark that Lungus desire to reclaim the presidency is definitely off tangent . Edgar Lungu caused monumental damage to our country’s hereditary unity of purpose by heavily skewing his appointments to various positions in government in the North Eastern axis.”

Maj Phiri stated that “only those who were beneficiaries of the illicit proceeds of Lungus gross mismanagement, are energetically doing their best to politically ‘renovate’ Edgar Lungu’s tainted image.”

“So when a prominent and senior PF member of Antony Mumba’s calibre pours scorn on Edgar Lungu, then it’s definitely time for the latter to introspect and acknowledge that those of us who loathe him with a passion, far exceed the group that craves for his return to power which remains a distant and blurred prospect For God and my Country,” stated Phiri.

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