Which youths, women is HH referring to?

By Daily Revelation Editor

It is becoming apparent every day that the real Zambian stakeholders from all walks of life have resoundingly objected to President Hakainde Hichilema’s motives to fast track the Constitutional making process, barely one year before the country holds the general elections.

It even makes us wonder which women and youths Hichilema is always referring to as having agreed with him to amend the same Constitution. Where are the same youths and women? Zambians want to see the same youths and women he agreed with to amend the constitution Because clearly, if those women and youth are there, then they form a very tiny minority based on the reactions we are seeing so far. It’s possible they could just be a figment of his own imaginations. It seems our President is never short of imaginations, to the extent that he even begins to view them as being representative of the women and youth voices.

He is today bringing up the same tired argument he was promising Zambians years back about his desires to appoint more women and youths in decision making positions, something of course he has not lived up to one year to the end of his five-year term. If indeed he wished to appoint more women and youths, why hasn’t he done so already? Clearly, all those who are reasonable can see that he is simply using the women and youth arguments to fulfil his narrow interests. The youths, women and all the patriotic Zambians are urged to oppose the maneuvers to interfere with their Constitution. The women and youths are simply being used as donkeys to ride on towards self-serving ambitions, particularly given their numbers as the leading voters in elections.

It should tell him something when he is even receiving opposition from his own supporters. One of his supporters, Laura Miti, reminded him about a passage in the 2016 amended Constitution on 259, that provides that “(1) Where a person is empowered to make a nomination or an appointment to a public office, that person shall ensure – (a) that the person being nominated or appointed has the requisite qualification to discharge the functions of the office, as prescribed or specified in public officer circulars or establishment registers; (b) that fifty percent of each gender is nominated or appointed from the total available positions, unless it is not practicable to do so; and (c) equitable representation of the youth and persons with disabilities, where these qualify for nomination or appointment. (2) A person empowered to make a nomination or appointment to a public office shall, where possible, ensure that the nomination or appointment reflects the regional diversity of the people of Zambia.”

We know that Hichilema is capable of listening because he is a human being. We are also sure that he’s able to appreciate the response he is getting from Zambians over this Constitution amendment he is insisting on. We urge him to be magnanimous enough to take on board the overriding national interest on this matter and shelve it for now, until sometime later after 2026, if Zambians will give him another mandate to continue governing this country. This will enable him to establish meaningful widespread consensus with all the stakeholders in the country, over this matter of extreme national importance.

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