You protested when mmeal was K120 during PF, but are quiet when it’s now selling at K305, artist confronts B’Flow, Pilato

By Merlyn Mwanza

Artist Best Cacious Ngoma has challenged B’Flow and the other artists of having protested in the bush when mealie meal prices were at K120 per 25kg during the PF reign, yet they are saying nothing when the price is now trading at K305 for fear of being called cadres.

Tweeting, Ngoma stated that “When mealie meal was K120 per 25kg breakfast and K110 roller, we saw @bflowmusic, @WeziVMhone, #Pilato #MichealZulu and other cadres went to protest in the Bush now that mealie meal is at K305 per 25kg , why aren’t they protest because they refuse to be called upnd cadres?”

But B’Flow, whose real name is Brian Mumba Bwembya retorted tweeting: “Bro, you can’t leave the responsibility of holding leaders accountable to B’Flow, Wezi, Pilato and Michael Zulu. You are a citizen too, what are you doing yourself?”

Responding, Ngoma stated: “You claimed to speak for Zambia ba B flow but lelo you want us to voice out, tell us you were fighting for your belly will understand bro😂

But B’Flow said, “This very year when I voiced out, people said it is too early, give them time”. Well, let’s give them time.”

The decision to involve the Zambia National Service (ZNS) to help address skyrocketing mealie meal prices and scarcity is highly questionable as the same institution that was brought in to help arrest the skyrocketing prices is now involved in the export of meal mealie at lucrative prices, despite claims to the contrary that the mealie meal they are exporting is the one they import from South Africa, something that has been debunked as it is not in ZNS’s role to be a trading organisation.

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