ZAMMSA board suspends their DG after drugs were found at private depot

By Chinoyi Chipulu

The Zambia Medicines and Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) board has suspended Director General Victor Nyasulu from office in relation to the 61 containers of assorted medicines and medical supplies that were found at a private depot in Makeni area of Lusaka.

In a statement, acting board chairperson Lisulo Walubita stated that the agency regrets the occurrence of this incident.

“The Board would like to assure the general populace that ZAMMSA operations and its servicing of all public health facilities will not be affected,” Walubita stated.

Yesterday in Parliament, Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo said the government had instituted investigations into a scam involving 61 containers of imported medicines that were destined for ZAMMSA but were diverted and marooned at J and J- Depot in Lusaka.

Masebo said the 61 containers of medicine are part of the 74 containers imported in October 2023.

She said when her ministry was aware of the issue ZAMMSA was called to reveal the matter and it was discovered that there was gross mismanagement and negligence.

Masebo said the containers of medicine in question are now being offloaded at ZAMMSA Warehouses.

” ZAMMSA recieved the second shipment from Egypt,these containers were recieved in January, 2024.The 16 containers were delivered to ZAMMSA central warehouse as per the contract but apparently, they were not offloaded and instead the transporter was directed to take them to a private Depot in Makeni called J and J.

She said the containers were marooned at this depot untill last week when they were moved to ZAMMSA central warehouse.

“Madam speaker ZAMMSA recieved the third consignment from Egypt of 20 containers of assorted essential medical supplies, out of which 13 containers were offload and again seven of the containers were diverted to the same private warehouse, which brings the total number of container at this warehouse to 23,”she said.

Masebo said the fourth consignment of 38 containers of assorted medical supplies arrived in the country in last month but were not delivered at ZAMMSA warehouse but was diverted to the private Depot by the transporter.

” This now brings the total numbers of containers to 74 with only 13 of these containers having been offload at ZAMMSA central warehouse which was in the second consignment. The remaining 61 containers were still at J and J depot untill Friday July 12th 2024 when the ministry of health was made aware and intervened,” she said.

She said these containers are being transported to ZAMMSA warehouse using Zambia National Service trucks.

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