No sane Zambian will support abuse

By Daily Revelation Editor

The police once again stayed true to themselves over the weekend when they mobilised to work against the constitution after they stopped the freedom of association of the Socialist Party (SP) in Kitwe.

This came a few days earlier after they denied another opposition rally that was being organised by Chishala Kateka’s New Heritage Party, when the police seemed to have worked hand and glove with machete wielding UPND thugs in Lusaka’s Mandevu area.

Such a record Hakainde Hichilema has created in this country that no major opposition political party has been allowed the right to hold a single rally in the almost three years he has been in office. This again calls his bluff when he claimed that the times of stopping opposition parties from having rallies and mobilisation meetings had come to an end with his coming to power. He said he was going to govern this country so impeccably such that the free reign he would allow on opposition rallies was going to render them worthless on account of his supposed unmatched governance of the country.

Who would have predicted that the change the Zambian people had woken up to effect on August 12, 2021 was going to be no change at all? But this is the reality we live in in this country where politicians have made it a custom to lie their way into office, and then continue on the same modus operandi their predecessors operated on, if not worse.

Why is the President fearful to allow the opposition the freedom to speak freely to the masses through rallies? Is he admitting failure by doing so, since he has reneged on his own word after promising that the uniqueness with which he would govern this country would render opposition gatherings useless?

Didn’t the people elect Hakainde to effect changes, such as in the manner state institutions like the police operate? Is this a police service Hakainde would be proud of if he were voted out of power? We wonder! What is really the problem with politicians that they fail to learn from the mistakes of others? Why do they get so easily consumed with power such that they start to view themselves as demi-gods, as some kind of omniscient beings?

And there’s ba Graphael Musamba, dragging this country evermore deeper into the abyss when he could be using his advanced years to do something worthy for his country? His police denied SP their constitutional rights as they have done with others using the so-called stupid security situation not being too good in the country? Since when has the security situation become too risky in this country for the opposition to mobilise? And then Graphael cannot even guarantee when that same situation will improve for people to enjoy their freedoms. Of course those who have not privatised their minds know that this is just a stupid pretext aimed at shrinking, if not fully crippling the democratic space in this country.

But this country does not belong to Hakainde Hichilema or even Musamba for that matter. And it is stupid of anyone out there to gullibly support the nonsense and wanton abuse the police is effecting in this country in the name of being a UPND supporter. A wrong is a wrong and knows no partisan affiliation. No sane Zambian should support such abuses because the same bells toiling against the other Zambians who are being denied their democratic space, might be toiling against the same gullible supporters of such abuses in the future.

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