Unauthorised police checkpoints 

By Daily Revelation Editor

Acting Inspector General of Police Milner Muyambango says most unauthorised check points and road blocks are mounted at undesignated points and are risking the lives of motorists and other road users 

In a statement, Muyambango stated that the command has for some time now been receiving numerous complaints from members of the public regarding the conduct of some police officers who mount unauthorised or illegal check points and roadblocks in some parts of the country

He stated that police officers in uniform at check points and roadblocks or where ever they were operating from should always display their name tags with their service numbers and names on them visibly so that members of the public know who they are dealing with at any particular moment.  

He urged that members of the public were at liberty to request for the names and service numbers of officers in case they did not have one, and the officers should abide to the request.

This is a very commendable directive from the police command. Even if this is not something new as Home Affairs minister Jack Mwiimbu has repeatedly made mention of the same on countless occasions, it is important to place a reminder, especially that checkpoints is one lucrative area where police officers are making a lot of dirty money from.

The fact that this vice is continuing despite repeated mentions against the same, means that this culture sadly has become deeply ingrained in the minds of the police officers and the members of the public they receive bribes for various traffic and other offences.

This is something that will not go away by wishful thinking or mere mention. Since Muyambango is admitting before Zambians that this vile act is still prevalent in the police establishment, how about if the police started to name and shame some of the officers who are involved in the same?

It would have bee motivating if Muyambango came to the public with information that on account of police continuing to abuse their positions, so and so officers have been fired or they are undergoing various forms of disciplining. It will also make good news to know that some motorist who was trying to bribe police officers had been arrested and were in custody for engaging in corruption. However, nothing of that sort has ever been heard.

When handling matters of this nature, naming and shaming might just be very important in order to also send a strong message to would-be offenders.

But it doesn’t end there. Muyambango and the police command will need to look into improving remuneration for these very poorly paid police officers. Some are forced to seek ends meat through engaging in all sorts of vices, as the wages they get simply can’t keep up. They are not a living wage.

But more important, integrity will need to be made an integral part in the police operations. This is one aspect that needs hammering upon, and should not just be left in the training centres.

We recall during late Levy Mwanawasa’s administrations, various integrity committees were established in several government institutions all in an effort towards building a corruption free society. It’s just unfortunate that in this country even worthy causes fail to survive change of administrations. But that was a very positive move in the right direction, which should be re-embraced by the UPND administration and developed upon, especially as they are talking about fighting corruption. The fight against corruption is more than words, but putting in place effective systems to develope new mindsets aligned with the noblest of ideals.

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