Lungu, Miles now walking towards one direction – Zumani

By Esther Chisola

 Chris Zumani Zimba says the private meeting held between former president Edgar Lungu and Matero member of parliament Miles Sampa means that the two have started walking towards one direction to re-unite PF.

And Zimba, who was president Lungu’s political advisor said the two are now in agreement and will continue to talk until PF resolved all the differences.

Pictures emerged depicting a happy moment by the two leaders at a private meeting they had.

In an interview with Daily Revelation, Zimba said the meeting also meant that the two were burying their political differences to build the original one big PF.

He said no one knew about the details of their discussion or the place where their meeting was held.

“The meeting was between ECL and Miles. The two fully know in detail what they discussed.  We don’t know for how long the meeting took place. ⁠We don’t know the place where it happened. ⁠We don’t know exactly what they discussed and how they concluded. ⁠What we all know is the fact that the two met for the first time after since 2021. ⁠From the pictures, we also know that the two shared tea together,” he said.

Zimba further said the private meeting was aimed at ensuring that everyone in PF supported the efforts of both leaders.

“⁠It means that the two are now in taking terms and will continue to talk until PF resolved all the differences. ⁠It means that Miles Sampa like any prodigal son has gone back to his father after spending time away from the PF family. ⁠It means everyone in PF must open their hearts and welcome Sampa,” said Zimba.

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