Court sentences PF official to 14 days imprisonment for unlawful assembly

By Chinoyi Chipulu

The Chingola Magistrates’ Court has convicted and sentenced PF Chingola district chairperson Felix Mulenga, to 14 days imprisonment and fined him K600 for unlawful assembly.

16 other co-accused persons have been fined K600 or face six months imprisonment in default. 

Rosemary Kunda, PF aspiring member of parliament for Nchanga Constituency, who was among the accused, was acquitted of the same charges due to insufficient evidence against her.

In this case, Mulenga and 18 others were charged with unlawful assembly contrary to the laws of Zambia.

It was alleged that on October 29, 2022, Mulenga and 18 others willfully but unlawfully convened an assembly without a police permit. 

In his plea, Mulenga admitted that the meeting was held during an election period for Bupalo ward by-elections to choose polling assistants and conduct voter education.

 Mulenga claimed that the command center was relocated to a nearby ward due to threats from ruling party cadres.

He stated that his members cooperated with the police when they arrived. 

In passing judgment, Chingola Resident Magistrate Stephan Mabona said it was undisputed that Mulenga and 18 others gathered without a police permit on October 29, 2022. 

He said the prosecution proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused held an unauthorized assembly in Nchanga ward, where no elections were taking place.

“If the assembly had been held in Bupalo ward, where elections were being held, the Public Order Act would not have applied,” he said.

Magistrate Mabona found Mulenga guilty and sentenced him to two weeks imprisonment and a fine of K600 or in default serve six months imprisonment.

The other 16 accused were fined K600 to be paid immediately or face six months imprisonment in default.

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