CDF is a game changer – PF MP … says party leadership is in confused mode

By Isaac Zulu

Kantanshi member of parliament Anthony Mumba has said that the increased Constituency Development Fund under the UPND administration is a game changer.

And Mumba has said said that the current Patriot Front leadership is in a confused mode, saying this is the more reason why they are failing to convene a Constitutional Conference.

Speaking in an interview, Mumba explained that the increased Constituency Development Fund has proved to be transforming people’s lives in communities.

The Kantanshi lawmaker said that, if we’ll executed, the Constituency Development Fund has the potential to change and improve the lives of people in Constituencies.

He said it is for this reason why he wants to concentrate on fulfilling his campaign promises to the people of Kantanshi Constituency; as opposed to talking about the Patriot Front, adding that he has a responsibility to deliver development to the residents of Kantanshi.

“If well administered and implemented, CDF projects have the potential to transform people’s lives. In fact the Constituency Development Fund is transforming people’s lives in many communities. With CDF, people are acquiring bursaries for development skills in colleges, getting loans and grants in order for them to engage in serious business ventures that are sustainable,” Mumba explained. “And that is the more reason why I want to concentrate on working for the people of Kantanshi Constituency, delivering development based on my campaign promises; as opposed to talking about the Patriot Front. And I can tell you that the Constituency Development Fund under the UPND administration is a game changer.”

And the Kantanshi lawmaker said that the current Patriot Front leadership is in a confused mode and that is why they are failing to hold a Constitutional Conference.

He said that he finds it appalling for PF Members of Central Committee to continue postponing the Constitutional Conference, “just because of traditional ceremonies.”

“We all know when these traditional ceremonies are held. We know when the Umutomboko Traditional Ceremony is held, we all know in which month of the year when Ukusefwlya pa Ng’wena is held and we all know the month during which Nc’wala Traditional Ceremony is held. Therefore, it is appalling to be hearing that the Patriot Front leadership has continued postponing the Constitutional Conference and giving an excuse of a particular Traditional Ceremony. The current Patriot Front leadership is in a confused mode and that is why they are failing to convene a Constitutional Conference. And if they continue on this path, if we continue on this trajectory; the Patriot Front risks going into obilivion,” said Mumba.

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