By Merlyn Mwanza

Soya beans farmers in Eastern Province are fuming over the delays to announce the floor price of the commodity by the minister of Agriculture and are having to sell the commodity at K4, nostalgic of the Edgar Lungu times when they used to sell the same at K10 per kg.

But Agriculture permanent secretary indicated that they would get in touch with the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) when asked about the farmers complaints.

In correspondence made available to Daily Revelation, the farmers stated that the scenario where they are having to sell the commodity to briefcase buyers at K4 has angered them and are blaming the UPND administration for the exploitation they feel they are having to endure.

“The fact that this is happening and there literally does not seem to be any action from the government, let alone an announcement from the minister who has seen it fit to go on leave while there is this Soya beans exploitation and mealie meal shortages makes the whole issue mindboggling. By the time the minister will see it fit to announce, we don’t know if there will even be any soya beans left to sell as most of it will have been sold to the briefcase buyers due to the desperation from the farmers,” one of the farmers told Daily Revelation. “You visit Chipata, Lundazi, Petauke and Nyimba this issue is very hot and if it continues will cast an irreversible negative eye on the President and the UPND as people are now seemingly nostalgic of the Lungu years when they would make good money from soya beans as they were selling it at K10 as opposed to the K4 they are selling to briefcase buyers.”

Contacted for comment on the alleged exploitation, Agriculture permanent secretary Green Mbozi simply responded: “Will engage FRA.”

Agriculture minister Mtolo Phiri as usual did not take his calls.

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