By Staff Reporter

Zambia’s former permanent representative to the United Nations Dr Mwaba Kasese Bota has lambasted the UPND administration for failing to sign up to a resolution condemning Israel for declaring the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres as persona non grata.

In the letter to Guterres signed on by 105 countries, including the African Union, sponsored by a core group composed of Brazil, Colombia, South Africa, Uganda, Indonesia, Spain, Guyana, Mexico and Chile, which was actually signed by Chilean Ambassador to the U.N Paula Narvaez on October 10, 2024, the group expressed deep concern with the recent statement by the minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel declaring the UN chief as persona non grata.

They argued that such actions undermined the UN’s ability to carry out its mandate, which included mediating conflicts and providing humanitarian support.

They wrote that the letter has been signed by members of the UN, reflecting a wide and collective support across the international community, and that they re-affirmed their full support and confidence in Guterre’s work as Secretary General.

They wrote that they were confident of his commitment to peace and security, alignment with international law, including in promoting respect for international humanitarian law, and the relevant UN resolutions regarding the situation in the Middle East.

“I would be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated among the Member States and Observers of the United Nations, for their due information, as a document of the General Assembly,” Amb Narvaez stated.

The members argued that the decision by Israel could further delay an end to the hostilities and the establishment of a credible path towards the two-state solution, with the State of Palestine and Israel living side by side in peace and security, in accordance with relevant UN resolutions.

The members stated that in times of heightened tension, the Secretary General’s role was essential in fostering dialogue and understanding among conflicting parties, stressing that Guterres played a vital role in advancing the purpose of the UN as outlined in the charter.

They re-affirmed their support for Guterres and his work, that the Secretary General’s efforts reflected their shared desire for an end to violence and meaningful dialogue in pursuit of peace in the Middle East.

They called upon all parties to avoid actions that could weaken the critical role of the UN in conflict resolution.

Among those in the region who have signed up to the letter include Angola, Madagascar, Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Among the most powerful countries include China, France and Russia among others.

Commenting on the resolution, Zambia’s former Ambassador to the UN Dr Bota said it appeared like Zambia under the UPND administration did not have a defined foreign policy, especially that the country had always favoured the promotion of peace in the region and the entire world.

“We love Israel and we want to see peace prevail in the Israel and the surroundings neighboring countries. But we cannot keep quiet when we see Israel shunning the very office that is able to help bring peace in the region,” said Amb Bota.

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