By Daily Revelation Editor
“To the jobless youths, a new dawn is here where you will be skilled and find opportunity to work or do business in an economy that we will revive. To the mother, struggling with the high cost of food, a lower cost of living will soon be a reality. To the entrepreneur, seeking capital, an investor and a better operating environment, a government is here that understands your challenges and knows exactly what you need in order to thrive. To all citizens of Zambia, this is truly your moment!”
These were the first words of Hakainde Hichilema in his inaugural speech in 2021 at Heroes Stadium in Lusaka, said with so much confidence in what one may perceive as his oversized estimation. The multitudes in their thousands filled to capacity in the stadium and millions others following the proceedings outside filled with a new found hope that a saviour had finally dropped from heaven to sort out their thirst and hunger, largely caused by the former ruling party, the Patriotic Front (PF). Indeed, the growing hatred and admonition for the PF was beyond measure. The Zambian people had been squeezed beyond breathing space to a point where they had to speak out through the ballot to remove the arrogant PF. Hakainde took the occasion to appease Zambia that he was the saviour for their sufferings. Here was Bally to fix it all. At last there will be not need to worry about the high fuel prices, each citizen will be guaranteed three meals per day, the Kwacha will ever appreciate because with Bally also came the everlasting investor confidence which will ensure stability in the exchange rate. For those farmers suffering with the high cost of fertilizer they need not worry because the commodity they were buying at around K700 will now be purchased at K250 only. The 25kg bags of mealie meal will be bought at K50 and so on and so forth because Bally had come to fix it. That is the hope millions of Zambians carried with them when they voted in 2021.
“As your President, I will ensure that we deliver on our promises. We said bally and team will fix our economy, but we will do more than that. We will grow our economy so we can lift more people out of poverty than ever before. We will promote unity in diversity and ensure respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms for all. We will restore the rule of law, general order in our public places and communities, and return our country back to normalcy.”
Quite interesting how politicians can give the people what they want them to hear and not the opposite. Seems that was what Hakainde was delivering in his inaugural speech. Whether or not he knew what he was saying, we are not sure. But what we are sure of is that the man did not know what lay ahead after the inauguration. Politicians do not learn from the failures of their colleagues. It is always imperative to assess the situation before making promises that one potentially is unable to fulfil. One wonders how Hakainde is feeling when he now listens to his own words, saying, “to the mother, struggling with the high cost of food, a lower cost of living will soon be a reality.” Such powerful rhetoric that should be making Hakainde and his government develop goose bumps whenever they listen to his speech. While, he made Zambians believe that he was indeed their ‘saviour’ who would bring down the cost of living, alas, the opposite has in fact manifested. That’s the nature of politicians: they promise heaven and deliver hell; they promise light, but deliver darkness. For the first time in the history of Zambia a bag of mealie meal bought at over K270.
Hakainde surely needs to pull up his socks and we shall be the happiest to see him succeeding, but time simply seems to be moving too quickly for his liking. He is now heading into his third year, with things looking horribly bad. He and those in the UPND should not be conceited in their self-indulgence that there is no opposition around. The biggest opposition to ruling parties in Zambia has never really been political parties but the Zambian people themselves, they really know how to use their vote to deliver a resounding verdict when they really mean to.
By Daily Revelation Editor
“To the jobless youths, a new dawn is here where you will be skilled and find opportunity to work or do business in an economy that we will revive. To the mother, struggling with the high cost of food, a lower cost of living will soon be a reality. To the entrepreneur, seeking capital, an investor and a better operating environment, a government is here that understands your challenges and knows exactly what you need in order to thrive. To all citizens of Zambia, this is truly your moment!”
These were the first words of Hakainde Hichilema in his inaugural speech in 2021 at Heroes Stadium in Lusaka, said with so much confidence in what one may perceive as his oversized estimation. The multitudes in their thousands filled to capacity in the stadium and millions others following the proceedings outside filled with a new found hope that a saviour had finally dropped from heaven to sort out their thirst and hunger, largely caused by the former ruling party, the Patriotic Front (PF). Indeed, the growing hatred and admonition for the PF was beyond measure. The Zambian people had been squeezed beyond breathing space to a point where they had to speak out through the ballot to remove the arrogant PF. Hakainde took the occasion to appease Zambia that he was the saviour for their sufferings. Here was Bally to fix it all. At last there will be not need to worry about the high fuel prices, each citizen will be guaranteed three meals per day, the Kwacha will ever appreciate because with Bally also came the everlasting investor confidence which will ensure stability in the exchange rate. For those farmers suffering with the high cost of fertilizer they need not worry because the commodity they were buying at around K700 will now be purchased at K250 only. The 25kg bags of mealie meal will be bought at K50 and so on and so forth because Bally had come to fix it. That is the hope millions of Zambians carried with them when they voted in 2021.
“As your President, I will ensure that we deliver on our promises. We said bally and team will fix our economy, but we will do more than that. We will grow our economy so we can lift more people out of poverty than ever before. We will promote unity in diversity and ensure respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms for all. We will restore the rule of law, general order in our public places and communities, and return our country back to normalcy.”
Quite interesting how politicians can give the people what they want them to hear and not the opposite. Seems that was what Hakainde was delivering in his inaugural speech. Whether or not he knew what he was saying, we are not sure. But what we are sure of is that the man did not know what lay ahead after the inauguration. Politicians do not learn from the failures of their colleagues. It is always imperative to assess the situation before making promises that one potentially is unable to fulfil. One wonders how Hakainde is feeling when he now listens to his own words, saying, “to the mother, struggling with the high cost of food, a lower cost of living will soon be a reality.” Such powerful rhetoric that should be making Hakainde and his government develop goose bumps whenever they listen to his speech. While, he made Zambians believe that he was indeed their ‘saviour’ who would bring down the cost of living, alas, the opposite has in fact manifested. That’s the nature of politicians: they promise heaven and deliver hell; they promise light, but deliver darkness. For the first time in the history of Zambia a bag of mealie meal bought at over K270.
Hakainde surely needs to pull up his socks and we shall be the happiest to see him succeeding, but time simply seems to be moving too quickly for his liking. He is now heading into his third year, with things looking horribly bad. He and those in the UPND should not be conceited in their self-indulgence that there is no opposition around. The biggest opposition to ruling parties in Zambia has never really been political parties but the Zambian people themselves, they really know how to use their vote to deliver a resounding verdict when they really mean to.
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