Hichilema’s Parliamentary Address

By Daily Revelation Editor

President Hakainde Hichilema will today address the Fourth Session of the 13th National Assembly.

There will be more riding on this year’s speech actually than perhaps any other address Hichilema has addressed since he assumed office in 2021, given the very challenging situation the country is going through. One can safely argue that almost everything is pointing towards the negative in the country.

Zambians are therefore expectant of the President to provide well-thought out and workable policy directives to help get the country from the ongoing quagmire. Hichilema’s plate is full right now with all sorts of challenges, from the tormenting loadshedding Zambians are enduring for 21-hours daily, and some for days, to the ever rising cost of living ever faced by Zambians, among several challenges afflicting Zambians.

Zambians will therefore be expecting to hear from the President Policy proposals on how he intends to turn this loadshedding to finally get the country on the path towards sustainable energy that is not solely dependent on hydropower. And if the country is moving towards other sustainable energy sources, people will be happy to hear sound proposals incentivizing solar energy for instance. Will the President also move towards re-embracing relations with the Russians and other willing nations for instance in the spheres of nuclear energy in the country? All these are avenues that can still be explored if the talk is about exploring other avenues of power generation in the country. Energy is one critical area that may ultimately define Hichilema’s time in power, given the crippling impact the loadshedding is having on the country. This is a serious matter that requires clear eyed policies from the President.

Then there is the escalating cost of living, which has been induced by many factors including the terrible drought situation the country experienced to some of the government’s own policies such as the decision to remove subsidies on fuel for instance. Zambians will be happy to hear what policies the President will announce and which will actually be informed in the national budget, in terms of how they will go about working to reduce the cost of living for the many Zambians whose poverty situation is worsening by the day. Zambians are hopeful that policy directives will be anchored with an eye on getting Zambians from the sticky situation and not electioneering, especially that 2025 will mark one year before the country holds the 2026 general elections.

The country has also experienced shrinking space for freedoms. Not too long ago, youthful Zambians were arrested for simply having the courage to express themselves on the escalating cost of living. This does not sit well with the President’s standing, especially that not too long ago, UN experts issued a statement talking about regression in peoples’ freedoms in the country.

Zambians are very understanding people and will understand and appreciate policies aimed at alleviating their pain. They are wise enough to discern policies set out to help them through the rough situation and will definitely support anyone who wholeheartedly seeks to address their needs.

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