I thank outgoing British envoy for prevailing over UPND to stop abusing incumbency – Chitala

Congratulations to the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA)

By Dr Mbita Chitala
The whole country must cry a sigh of relief and congratulate former President Edgah Chagwa Lungu and the other members of the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) for holding their first peaceful and highly successful rally in Kitwe on 22 June, 2024.

We should also thank the international community particularly the Canadian High Commissioner and the outgoing British High Commissioner who finally spoke and convinced the UPND administration to stop abusing their power of incumbency and abrogating the constitution by wantonly enabling the Zambia Police Service to prevent opposition political parties and civil society from enjoying their rights to assembly and hold processions.

Without disparaging the efforts and achievements of the Kitwe rally, it is important that the members of the UKA work towards uniting all Zambians including all other political parties such as the Socialist Party and others not yet in UKA as well as all civil society organized in faith organizations, workers and student unions, unemployed youth, rural farmers, the middle class and traditional authorities as well as other patriotic groups in formation into a national patriotic movement to stop the Damage and tribal division that the UPND administration has done to Zambia.

It is evident that President Hakainde and the UPND administration have exacerbated the poverty and suffering of our people by administering an austere economic program; divided our country by practicing tribalism, nepotism, provincialism; destroyed institutions of governance such as the Zambia Police, Judiciary, National Assembly, Electoral Commission, the Civil Service and so on by making them partisan; superintendent upon a system of gross abuse of power and corruption as seen at Mopani Copper Mines, NAPSA, Fertilizer supply, Petroleum imports and so on; abuse of people’s rights such as abuse of the Public Order Act and selective application of the justice system; failure to enact democratic constitution and shrinking the democratic space; choosing the path of neo-colonialism where our sovereignty, independence, non-alignment has been compromised.

It is advised that the UKA works towards uniting all Zambians on the basis of One Zambia One Nation and must encourage all Zambians that qualify, to acquire National Registration Cards as well as register as voters.

It is also important that the UKA considers holding a National Convention of all representatives of citizens other than the UPND and their cohorts to elect a leadership that appreciates diversity to contest the 2026 elections.

This is what will give legitimacy to the leadership of the UKA and unite our people to remove the UPND dictatorship and replace it with a progressive united government of national unity.

However, the UKA should not be just a movement to remove by democratic means the UPND administration. It must also agree on achievable challenges.

The UKA must now formally register the alliance in conformity with our laws and provide in its statute a clause of recall of leaders and provide for the establishment of a government of national unity to implement the agreed to ideals.

The UKA should consider adopting the following ideals that many people of Zambia are currently yearning for:

  1. To enact a new Multi-Party Democratic Constitution that advances our democratic ideals, that reduces the abuse of power by the Executive, devolves governance to the provinces and districts. Democratic constitutionalism is a cause of common concern throughout Zambian society who want to entrench and widen human rights and devolve power to the people; repeal the provisions in the constitution that prevent us from having a democratic constitution; create a tolerant political environment and grow a democratic culture that celebrates divergent views and opinions of citizens; end the abuse of the Public Order Act and insure all citizens enjoy the rights to assembly, meetings , and procession as provided in our Constitution; expand Press freedom and the Access to Information; end including the abuse and insults levelled at the Catholic and other Christian and faith communities; end the situation where Traditional Highnesses live in constant fear and their powers to administer customary law and have treasuries in chiefdoms has been denied; address the concerns of the Barotse Agreement 1964 by devolving governance and adopt a system of inclusive government; reform the electoral process to ensure that elections are free, fair and credible; ensure that the Electoral Commission is professional and non-partisan; repeal or amend laws that stifle our democracy by the gagging citizens such as the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act and the laws on criminal defamation and the abuse of the Public Order Act;
  2. To address the suffocating danger of high cost of living and make essential commodities such as maize meal, electricity, transport cost, fertilizer and seeds, medicines and education costs affordable to all citizens; adopt a sustainable economic growth policy ensuring a strategy of a developmental state premised on economic growth, increasing the productivity in agro processing and manufacturing and mining; end load shading of electricity by investing in generation including nuclear power generation and modernize the distribution network; restructure our public debt management to ensure that it is sustainable; take control of commanding heights in our economy such as the mines and banks and stop illicit capital flight; re-enact the windfall taxation law and insure that the mineral royalties are not tax deductible; abolish nuisance taxes and generally reduce taxes and ensure that the people have more money to spend in their pockets; stabilize the exchange rate and reduce interest rates; use pension funds and local borrowing to advance our material development and create jobs for our people; undertake extensive public works by using pension funds and other budgetary allocations, invest in trams and railways and other essential public transport as well as in telecommunications and road infrastructure; invest in public housing for our people and insure that citizens are not condemned to live in squalor and shanties as shelter is a human right. give subsidized agro inputs, loans and extension services to our rural farmers; ensure that the FRA food strategic reserve is protected from abuse and professionally managed to ensure food security for our people; support the modernization of agriculture; professionalize the public service, state enterprises and support manufacturers and SMEs as well as providing affordable credit and extension support; support a mixed economy where state enterprises co-exist with the private sector in a social democratic market; enact a law to declare that our Copper, Cobalt, Lithium, precious stones are strategic in which Zambia shall have controlling interest; support the creation of strong workers organizations and mass organizations for students and youth; create jobs to absorb the citizens without jobs in our urban setting and support financially small businesses. The unemployed citizens who live in shanties of our towns face existential challenges and most simply gravitate between suicide and insanity; create productive programs and income generating undertakings for the informal sector.
  3. To Re-unite our country that has been divided by the UPND administration whose policies have been driven by tribalism and nepotism; To regain the legitimacy to rule and end the divisive doctrine of tribalism, nepotism, provincialism, sexism and other bigotry that were first identified by our late President Kenneth Kaunda who feared that the UPND and Mr. Hakainde Hichilema were going to divide the people of Zambia on ethnic lines and misrule the country; end the unrest in society between the UPND party on one hand and the opposition parties and civil society on the other hand which has been growing more acute with the passage of time and inter party violence appears to be inevitable; end regional polarization of our people and inter-party conflict; end the rise of hate speech; unite our country and provide an efficient servant leadership; end the false tradition of making false promises and telling lies to the nation; establish a new leadership to unite Zambia and forge a development pathway to modernization of the country;
  4. To institute a Zero Tolerance policy against Corruption; Gross abuse of power by the UPND administration has resulted in the Public service being demoralized by grand corruption, nepotism, tribalism unprecedented in scale and openness; banish and criminalize tribalism, nepotism, provincialism and adopt a policy where merit is celebrated and unite our country under the One Zambia One Nation ideal; cancel all procurement and appointments based on Tribalism and corruption in government and parastatals and re-introduce a merit system in public service
  5. To professionalize the civil service by re-introducing the merit system in appointments, promotion; re-introduce civil service examinations and ensure the neutrality and professionalism of the public service. We will deepen and spread our democracy; end the weaponizing of the Zambia Police Service and other investigative organizations of the state; ensure the independence of the National Assembly and the House of Chiefs; restructure the Judiciary and guarantee their independence and professionalism as well as guarantee their rights to security of tenure; build a strong and non-partisan peoples defense force.
  6. To reclaim and safeguard Zambia’s sovereignty and independence and re-unite the country based on the doctrines of one Zambia One Nation and Pan-Africanism/Internationalism; re-establish our hard-won reputation as the bastion of African Liberation struggle and leader of Pan Africanism and the Non-Aligned movement and adopt a progressive anti-imperialist and independent foreign policy.

23rd June, 2023

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