By Staff Reporter

Kaizar Zulu has betrayed us, says Chilubi member of parliament Mulenga Fube.

And Fube said as opposed to meddling in the internal affairs of Zambia, High Commissioner Nicholas Woolley must focus on the “kafwafwa” happening in Britain where he said the record high inflation in that country is causing untold hunger.

Speaking with Daily Revelation media, Fube said former State House political advisor Kaizar Zulu has been his friend for a long time and that was what prompted him to stand for him as surety.

“I think it’s on his side. The betrayal is more on his side. I haven’t betrayed him and God is my witness. I stood for him … purely as a friend not for political gain or because we belonged to the same political arrangement. No! What motivated me is that Kaizar has been a friend and I think to me I did my part. Other things that follow I have no control over. But I did my part,” he said.

Fube said he feels bad that he is having to face trouble today, meanwhile, the person he stood for is nowhere to be seen.

“That is bad, humanely speaking, I will not hide you, especially when you show kindness to a human being in any form and then they betray your kindness. That is bad. I can’t hide you that I will be grateful in that scenario. No! It’s very bad. He betrayed our trust because we had to stand with him because we felt he is a brother who needed to be protected in some way. It’s very bad,” Fube said, saying he will leave the matter in God’s hands.

But he said he had not run away from presenting himself before the relevant authorities as is being claimed, saying the courts know that he has not run away as he has always availed himself before them.

“I have not run away,” Fube said, arguing that assertions to the contrary were simply meant to put pressure on the courts as he would like to believe that they are independent.

There are assertions in PF that Kaizar was entered into a deal with those in government in order for them to get at the opposition members of parliament to have their seats nullified, but Fube said he would not like to accuse anyone of scheming something behind the curtails.

“If they are scheming, it means what is known to them is the devil,” he said.

And commenting on High Commissioner Woolley, Fube said “that gentleman” is being political by speaking like a government spokesperson.

He said High Commissioner Woolley seemed to be wearing different glasses by claiming that things are well in the country when clearly the political space is diminishing.

Fube said he disagreed with High Commissioner Woolley for stating that there was no vindictiveness in the fight against corruption, when clearly there was deep rooted corruption currently happening in the UPND administration, wondering who was doing illegal mining in Konkola using the Sensele mine, and wondering what the status was of the gold which was put under ZAMGOLD during the PF administration.

“Who is taking mukula out of our country? Is mukula no more there and so forth? Those are some of the questions I think that deserve answers. That gentleman was not realistic. Mr Woolley was not realistic in his assertions. I think his statement is a mockery of what is happening,” Fube said, claiming that the envoy was enjoying a field day because his country is managing the affairs of Zambia.

He claimed that the Tony Blair foundation was controlling the UPND administration to some extent, saying Africans should be incensed with any resemblance of imperialism.

“Tell Nicholas Woolley not to be meddling into Zambian affairs. He should not think that they are still ruling Zambia. Zambia is a sovereign nation and I think he should come out as a diplomat not as a politician or a political cadre of some sort to talk on behalf of the ruling party … And I think he should not remind us of what we passed though when they had colonial regime in Zambia,” Fube said.

He said High Commissioner Woolley does not qualify to even talk about corruption as his country introduced corruption in Zambia by abuse of the country’s resources, saying Britain has contributed towards the draw back in Zambia’s development.

“There is even hunger in his country. We are observing these issues. We are global citizens. There is kafwafwa in UK which he needs to concentrate on. He should not be destabilizing our country,” Fube said. “Saying there is a new wave of democracy. What does he understand about democracy? What does he know about democracy?”

Fube said Woolley’s former prime minister Tony Blair confessed to crimes against humanity in killing people in Iraq, and Britain was at the centre of many other killings world wide and has therefore no moral high ground

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  • Collins Teembo , July 13, 2023 @ 10:27 am

    He betrayed PF by conniving with his friend after he got fired. PF Secretariate did not do its work in protecting President Sata.

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