LUNGU HAILS FROM PETAUKE, SAYS MP … when asked over reports some traditional leaders plan to start questioning roots

By Staff Reporter

Petauke-Central member of parliament Emmanuel Banda says there is no debate that former president Edgar Lungu’s roots are in Petauke, when asked over reported plans by some traditional leaders in attempting to start raising arguments that he does not originate from that area.

Sources have told Daily Revelation about a reported scheme by some traditional leaders in the area who are attempting to start raising questions in reinforcing claims, similar to the ones raised by Fresher Siwale that the former president was not actually Lungu but Jonathan Mutaware from Malawi.

But Banda despite saying he was not aware about the scheme, said he emphatically believed that president Lungu was a native of Petauke in Eastern Province.

“Those are just hearsay. Like me, people used to call me a satanist, a killer. But people have known me now. Unless someone who doesn’t know the Lungu family can say that,” Banda said.

And Banda said members of parliament swear allegiance to the President, and would therefore welcome the chance to serve under President Hakainde Hichilema in the UPND administration any time.

He said if he was asked to join the government he would do so anytime, but not if he were asked to join the ruling UPND as that would mean creating a by-election in an area where the electorate sent him to parliament as an independent.

However, Banda said for the 2026 general elections, he would go back to the people to get their affirmation on which ticket he must contest those elections.

“In UPND, he (President Hichilema) can’t invite me to say come because that would create a by-election. (But) if he tells me come and work with me in the executive, I can do that. Because all of us pay allegiance to the President. I can take the opportunity because it means he has seen the potential in me. There it doesn’t require me to resign,” said Banda.

And Banda said he’s focussed on bringing education and health care as close to the people as possible during his term as member of parliament, saying he was saddened that someone fell ill in the night and failed to go to the health centre that was located a long distance away for fear that they would be eaten by hyenas.

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  • Chagwa's Nephew , July 8, 2023 @ 5:29 pm

    These traditional leaders are cowards looking for a chance to be Muzungu wangas. Where were they when Lungu was in office? And who said they are the authority for where we were all born?

  • Aaron , July 8, 2023 @ 9:48 pm

    Lungu served as an mp for cawama,no one said that, but why you people to day?

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