By Isaac Zulu

Patriotic Front (PF) national chairman Davies Chama says the PF managed to leave a functioning economy, but the UPND is now telling Zambians to endure the pain until they leave office

Speaking with Daily Revelation, Chama said the PF administration left a functioning economy that managed to execute development programmes.

“The economy was not destroyed. The PF had a functional economy and that is why we managed to put up infrastructure across the country,” Chama said.

He charged that the UPND are a bunch of liars masquerading as leaders.

Southern Province minister Cornelius Mweetwa was quoted by Daily Revelation on Tuesday saying that “we should endure the pain arising from the removal of subsidies for now, we are not the ones that created the economic malaise that we are in.”

But Chama said that the UPND government is a bunch of deceptive people who have failed to honour their campaign promises.

He recalled that the UPND promised to reduce the cost of doing business, reduce the cost of living and essential commodities and stabilise the local currency; among other commitments, but none of them has come to fruition.

“How many times should we remind them to concentrate on delivering on their campaign promises, as opposed to blaming the Patriot Front administration for their failures? These are a bunch of deceptive people. The UPND is a bunch of liars masquerading as leaders,” Chama said. “They promised to reduce the cost of doing business. They promised to reduce the cost of living and stabilise the Kwacha, among many other promises. Their own President, from his own mouth, said that when sworn in he will ensure that by 14:00 hours the Kwacha will trade at a much lower exchange rate against the Dollar. But today the Dollar is at K20. The exchange rate is increasing every day. Prices of goods and services are escalating every day. None of their campaign promises has been fulfilled. So, they are a bunch of liars who want to continue telling Zambians to endure the pain until they leave government.”

Chama said that the UPND administration should acknowledge that they have failed to govern.

“They should just admit that they have failed, failed. Failure is their portion,” Chama said.

He also said that the UPND is a team that is uncoordinated and that is why ministers and other government officials have continued to give contradictory statements on many issues.

“The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. That is what is happening in the UPND government. They are each one for himself, God for them all,” said Chama. “That Mweetwa is just a Provincial minister. He doesn’t know what is happening at Ministry of Finance, he doesn’t know what is happening at Ministry of Mines where the President has just fired a permanent secretary. Just recently Honourable Garry Nkombo told his colleagues to stop blaming the Patriot Front, but get down to work. Today, two years after being in government, that Mweetwa wants to continue blaming the PF for the failures of the UPND. They are uncoordinated.”

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